Lindsay Machaka

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Lindsay Machaka Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Lindsay Machaka

Lindsay Machaka is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in the field of auditing. They currently serve as a Senior Audit Consultant, responsible for overseeing complex auditing projects and ensuring the integrity of financial records.Prior to their current role, Machaka spent three years as a Senior Audit Consultant at James Wiles, where they were instrumental in conducting thorough audits and providing valuable insights to clients. During this time, they honed their skills in financial analysis, risk assessment, and problem-solving, earning a reputation for their attention to detail and ability to navigate intricate financial landscapes.Machaka holds a National Senior Certificate from St. Bede's High School, which has equipped them with a strong foundation in accounting principles and financial management. Their expertise, combined with their commitment to excellence, has made them a valuable asset to the organizations they have served.Explore more

Lindsay Machaka Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Audit Consultant

James Wiles


Senior State Accountant

Waterberg TVET College


Trainee Accountant

Ngubane .Your Audit Firm of Choice


Trainee Accountant

Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo Inc.




National senior certificate

St.Bede's high school

Bachelor of accounting sciences - Accounting and Related Services

University of Limpopo

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lindsay Machaka

What is Lindsay Machaka’s direct phone number?
Lindsay Machaka’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lindsay Machaka’s latest job experience?
Lindsay Machaka’s latest job experience is Senior Audit Consultant at James Wiles
What is Lindsay Machaka’s latest education?
Lindsay Machaka’s latest education in National senior certificate at St.Bede's high school
Who are Lindsay Machaka’s peers at other companies?
Lindsay Machaka’s peers at other companies are Roy Satsi, Esther Iluve, Kudzai Taderera, Patience Chidziya, Abrie Plessis.
Who are Lindsay Machaka’s colleagues?
Some of Lindsay Machaka’s colleagues are Melody Senthufhe, M. Kumar Yadhav, Janette Cumming, Kishan Thakur.
Who is Lindsay Machaka?

Lindsay Machaka is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in the field of auditing. They currently serve as a Senior Audit Consultant, responsible for overseeing complex auditing projects and ensuring the integrity of financial records.Prior to their current role, Machaka spent three years as a Senior Audit Consultant at James Wiles, whe... re they were instrumental in conducting thorough audits and providing valuable insights to clients. During this time, they honed their skills in financial analysis, risk assessment, and problem-solving, earning a reputation for their attention to detail and ability to navigate intricate financial landscapes.Machaka holds a National Senior Certificate from St. Bede's High School, which has equipped them with a strong foundation in accounting principles and financial management. Their expertise, combined with their commitment to excellence, has made them a valuable asset to the organizations they have served.Read More

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