Liliana Rocha

Coordinadora De Producción at Multiquimica

Liliana Rocha Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Number of Employees

Liliana Rocha Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Liliana Rocha

Liliana Rocha is a Coordinadora De Producción at Multiquimica based in San Cristobal. Previously, Liliana was a Supervisor I, Molding Manufacturing at Hayco and also held positions at Baxter International, ConvaTec Group.Explore more

Liliana Rocha Current Workplace


2024-present (4 months)

Multiquimica is a business conglomerate that serves outstanding industrial raw materials for the improvement of human life. Since 1984, and with products of the highest quality, state of the art technology, and a complete focus on the total satisfaction of our clients, Multiquimica is a leader of progress and innovation. We have the perfect chemistry: a combination of innovation, which is the fuel of all our endeavors, with our excellent human resources and our relentless strive for the satisfaction of our clients. Multiquimica offers a wide spectrum of products that serves the paint and coatings, adhesives, plastics, water treatment, food, home cleaning and personal care industries. With plants and offices in 6 countries in The Americas, we achieve both local and global presence of our products portfolio. Our employees are our main asset, and we are a company with high corporate conscience, with sustainable products and services that are kind to the environment.

Liliana Rocha Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Supervisor I, Molding Manufacturing



Senior Team Leader Molding



Coordinadora De Manufactura

Baxter International


Group Leader

ConvaTec Group


Org Chart - Multiquimica


Coordinadora De Producción




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Liliana Rocha

What company does Liliana Rocha work for?
Liliana Rocha works for Multiquimica as Coordinadora De Producción
What is Liliana Rocha’s role in Multiquimica?
Liliana Rocha’s role in Multiquimica is Coordinadora De Producción
What is Liliana Rocha’s direct phone number?
Liliana Rocha’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Liliana Rocha’s work phone number?
Liliana Rocha’s headquarters phone number is (809) 542-2721
What is Liliana Rocha’s latest job experience?
Liliana Rocha’s latest job experience is Supervisor I, Molding Manufacturing at Hayco
Which industry does Liliana Rocha work in?
Liliana Rocha works in the industry of Home Improvement & Hardware Retail, Retail.
Who are Liliana Rocha’s peers at other companies?
Liliana Rocha’s peers at other companies are Jeannette Gomez, Jenniffer Palacios, Margarita Chuncho, Milagros Aquino, Michelle Castillo Toro.
Who are Liliana Rocha’s colleagues?
Some of Liliana Rocha’s colleagues are Orlenis Castillo, Alexander Cabrera, Ana López, Julissa Doradea.
Who is Liliana Rocha?

Liliana Rocha is a Coordinadora De Producción at Multiquimica based in San Cristobal. Previously, Liliana was a Supervisor I, Molding Manufacturing at Hayco and also held positions at Baxter International, ConvaTec Group.... Read More

Where is Liliana Rocha based?
Liliana Rocha works for Multiquimica, located at Dominican Republic
See more information about Liliana Rocha

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