Likhit Cheruvu

Big Data Hadoop Associate & Pro Trainer at Jigsaw Academy

Likhit Cheruvu Email & Phone number

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Number of Employees

Likhit Cheruvu Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Likhit Cheruvu

Likhit Cheruvu is a Big Data Hadoop Associate & Pro Trainer at Jigsaw Academy based in IndiraNagar, Karnataka. Previously, Likhit was a Big Data Hadoop Developer & Professional & Trainer at Nivid Solutions Pvt and also held positions at Altran Technologies, Mindtree, National Aerospace Laboratories, Lanco Industries. Likhit received a Bachelor of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University and a Master of Science from University of applied sciences Jena, Germany.Explore more

Likhit Cheruvu Current Workplace

Jigsaw Academy

2017-present (8 years)

Jigsaw Academy, the online school of analytics, head-quartered in Bangalore, has trained over 40,000 students across 30+ countries in the most widely used industry-relevant data analytics tools and techniques. Jigsaw Academy's founders, Gaurav Vohra and Sarita Digumarti, have over 25 years of combined experience in consulting and analytics, across multiple industry verticals in India and the United States. Jigsaw Academy is funded by Manipal Global Education Services (MaGE). Modified version featured in The Hindu Business Line.

Likhit Cheruvu Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Big Data Hadoop Developer & Professional & Trainer

Nivid Solutions Pvt


Big Data Developer

Altran Technologies


Research Assistant

RWTH, Aachen,Germany


Junior SAP Consultant





Bachelor of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Master of Science - Scientific Instrumentation

University of applied sciences Jena, Germany

Org Chart - Jigsaw Academy


Big Data Hadoop Associate & Pro Tra...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Likhit Cheruvu

What company does Likhit Cheruvu work for?
Likhit Cheruvu works for Jigsaw Academy as Big Data Hadoop Associate & Pro Trainer
What is Likhit Cheruvu’s role in Jigsaw Academy?
Likhit Cheruvu’s role in Jigsaw Academy is Big Data Hadoop Associate & Pro Trainer
What is Likhit Cheruvu’s direct phone number?
Likhit Cheruvu’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Likhit Cheruvu’s work phone number?
Likhit Cheruvu’s headquarters phone number is +91 9019217000
What is Likhit Cheruvu’s latest job experience?
Likhit Cheruvu’s latest job experience is Big Data Hadoop Developer & Professional & Trainer at Nivid Solutions Pvt
What is Likhit Cheruvu’s latest education?
Likhit Cheruvu’s latest education in Bachelor of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Which industry does Likhit Cheruvu work in?
Likhit Cheruvu works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Likhit Cheruvu’s colleagues?
Some of Likhit Cheruvu’s colleagues are Anamika Jain, Kushal Saini, Dinesh Kumar, Kamal Das.
Who is Likhit Cheruvu?

Likhit Cheruvu is a Big Data Hadoop Associate & Pro Trainer at Jigsaw Academy based in IndiraNagar, Karnataka. Previously, Likhit was a Big Data Hadoop Developer & Professional & Trainer at Nivid Solutions Pvt and also held positions at Altran Technologies, Mindtree, National Aerospace Laboratories, Lanco Industries. Likhit received a Bachelor of... Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University and a Master of Science from University of applied sciences Jena, Germany.Read More

Where is Likhit Cheruvu based?
Likhit Cheruvu works for Jigsaw Academy, located at India
See more information about Likhit Cheruvu

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