Lidiane Guilherme

Coordenadora De Serviços De Hotelaria at Dom Otto Hotel

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(***) ***-****

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Lidiane Guilherme Work Experience Summary

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About Lidiane Guilherme

Lidiane Guilherme is a Coordenadora De Serviços De Hotelaria at Dom Otto Hotel based in Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. Previously, Lidiane was a Cuidador at Sasfra Servico Assistencial Salao Do Encontro.Explore more

Lidiane Guilherme Current Workplace

Dom Otto Hotel

2019-present (6 years)

Hotel Dom Otto is a 4-star establishment located near Confins International Airport and Belo Horizonte, offering a blend of Brazilian and German hospitality. The hotel features modern and rustic accommodations, including standard and luxury apartments, as well as a restaurant and bar serving diverse culinary options. They provide business and event spaces equipped for meetings and conferences, alongside leisure facilities such as a gym, swimming pool, and game room. Ideal for families seeking relaxation and comfort, Hotel Dom Otto also hosts special events and promotions throughout the year.

Lidiane Guilherme Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Org Chart - Dom Otto Hotel


Coordenadora De Serviços De Hotelar...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lidiane Guilherme

What company does Lidiane Guilherme work for?
Lidiane Guilherme works for Dom Otto Hotel as Coordenadora De Serviços De Hotelaria
What is Lidiane Guilherme’s role in Dom Otto Hotel?
Lidiane Guilherme’s role in Dom Otto Hotel is Coordenadora De Serviços De Hotelaria
What is Lidiane Guilherme’s direct phone number?
Lidiane Guilherme’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lidiane Guilherme’s work phone number?
Lidiane Guilherme’s headquarters phone number is +55 3136212806
What is Lidiane Guilherme’s latest job experience?
Lidiane Guilherme’s latest job experience is Cuidador at Sasfra Servico Assistencial Salao Do Encontro
Which industry does Lidiane Guilherme work in?
Lidiane Guilherme works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Lidiane Guilherme’s colleagues?
Some of Lidiane Guilherme’s colleagues are Michelle Louise, Celia Maria, Janine Bauerfeld.
Who is Lidiane Guilherme?

Lidiane Guilherme is a Coordenadora De Serviços De Hotelaria at Dom Otto Hotel based in Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. Previously, Lidiane was a Cuidador at Sasfra Servico Assistencial Salao Do Encontro.... Read More

Where is Lidiane Guilherme based?
Lidiane Guilherme works for Dom Otto Hotel, located at Brazil
See more information about Lidiane Guilherme

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