2024-present (3 months)
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1Last Update 9/9/2024 6:22 PM
About Liam St Pierre
Liam St Pierre works as a Adventures Director at Raid Adventures, which is an Amusement Parks, Arcades & Attractions company. Their management level is Director. Found email listings include: @raidadventures.com.Read moreLiam St Pierre Current Workplace
Raid Adventures
Raid Adventures was born from the original Rogue Adventuregaine back in 2010. The brain child of Liam St Pierre, The Rogue (as it was known back then) set 50 teams on a course that was part Rogaine and part Adventure Race. That first race was a true ...
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The Team - Raid Adventures
However, when "Wild Earth Tigers" (Gary Sutherland, Liam St Pierre) came in half an hour early having only dropped two early trek checkpoints (to thei...The Team - Raid Adventures
To find out more, contact Liam St Pierre at liam@raidadventures.comThe Team - Raid Adventures
"After hosting a number of smaller events in the Moreton Bay region over the past couple of years, we're excited to bring our premier adventure race, ...The Team - Raid Adventures
The brain child of Liam St Pierre , "The Rogue" (as it was known back then) set 50 teams on a course that was part Rogaine and part Adventure Race.
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