
Liam Roditty

Professor at Bar-Ilan University

Liam Roditty Email & Phone number

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+972 *-***-****

Liam Roditty Current Workplace



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About Liam Roditty

Liam Roditty is a Professor at Bar-Ilan University based in Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv.Explore more

Liam Roditty Current Workplace

Bar-Ilan University

2011-present (13 years)

Since its establishment in 1955, Bar-Ilan University has grown to a flourishing central Israel campus of 17,000 students. Its milestone achievements in science and all fields of human endeavour have made an indelible imprint on the landscape of the State of Israel. In recent years the University has made a major investment in developing science, engineering and medicine. One such example is the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences which today includes over 50 principal investigators and 350 technical staff and graduate students. Today, Bar-Ilan University is looking forward to a new period of transformational growth through the establishment of challenge-driven impact research centers, incorporation of innovative instructional methods, intensification of global outreach efforts, embracement of pro-active community relations, with an eye toward advancing the notion of "excellence" far beyond its traditional boundaries to impact lives and people.

Org Chart - Bar-Ilan University






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Liam Roditty

What company does Liam Roditty work for?
Liam Roditty works for Bar-Ilan University as Professor
What is Liam Roditty’s role in Bar-Ilan University?
Liam Roditty’s role in Bar-Ilan University is Professor
What is Liam Roditty’s email address?
Liam Roditty’s email address is l***@biu.ac.il
What is Liam Roditty’s business email address?
Liam Roditty’s business email address is l***@biu.ac.il
What is Liam Roditty’s direct phone number?
Liam Roditty’s direct phone number is +972 *-***-****
What is Liam Roditty’s work phone number?
Liam Roditty’s headquarters phone number is +972 35317000
Which industry does Liam Roditty work in?
Liam Roditty works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Liam Roditty’s peers at other companies?
Liam Roditty’s peers at other companies are Hendrik Hofmeyr, Kayode Arowolo, John Boyer, Geoffrey Greene, Jacob Hornik.
Who are Liam Roditty’s colleagues?
Some of Liam Roditty’s colleagues are Adina Appel, Estery Giloz-Ran, Yaara Erez, Avi Gilboa.
How can I contact Liam Roditty?
Liam Roditty contact details: Email address: l***@biu.ac.il Phone number: +972 *-***-****
Who is Liam Roditty?

Liam Roditty is a Professor at Bar-Ilan University based in Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv.... Read More

Where is Liam Roditty based?
Liam Roditty works for Bar-Ilan University, located at Israel
See more information about Liam Roditty

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