Leslie Hale

Leslie Hale

President & Chief Executive Officer at RLJ Lodging Trust

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Leslie Hale Email & Phone number

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(301) ***-****

Leslie Hale Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Leslie Hale Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Leslie Hale

Leslie D. Hale is the President and Chief Executive Officer of RLJ Lodging Trust, a leading hotel real estate investment trust. Since joining RLJ in 2005, Ms. Hale has played a pivotal role in setting and executing the strategic vision at RLJ. Ms. Hale has held progressively senior roles at RLJ – she was appointed to Chief Financial Officer in 2007, Chief Operating Officer in 2016 and Chief Executive Officer in 2018. Ms. Hale helped successfully lead the execution of the initial public offering (IPO) of RLJ in 2011 and is on RLJ’s Board of Directors. In addition to RLJ, Ms. Hale serves on Macy’s, Inc.’s Board of Directors, is a Howard University Trustee and is a Board member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Baltimore Branch. Other organizations in which she is a member are the MINA Advisory Board, NAREIT Advisory Board of Governors, AHLA Executive Board and IREFAC. Before joining RLJ, Ms. Hale held senior positions at GE – working in GE’s Commercial Finance Mergers & AcquisiRead more

Leslie Hale Current Workplace

RLJ Lodging Trust

2018-present (7 years)

RLJ Lodging Trust is a self-advised, publicly traded real estate investment trust that owns primarily premium-branded, high-margin, focused-service and compact full-service hotels.

Leslie Hale Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer

RLJ Lodging Trust


Group Associate Director, Strategic Capital

General Electric


Mergers & Strategic Advisory Associate

Goldman Sachs Group


GE Capital Real Estate Analyst & Underwriter

General Electric




bachelor's degree

Howard University


Harvard Business School

Org Chart - RLJ Lodging Trust

Profile Picture

President & Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Leslie Hale

What company does Leslie Hale work for?
Leslie Hale works for RLJ Lodging Trust as President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Leslie Hale’s role in RLJ Lodging Trust?
Leslie Hale’s role in RLJ Lodging Trust is President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Leslie Hale’s email address?
Leslie Hale’s email address is l***@rljlodgingtrust.com
What is Leslie Hale’s business email address?
Leslie Hale’s business email address is l***@rljlodgingtrust.com
What is Leslie Hale’s direct phone number?
Leslie Hale’s direct phone number is (301) ***-****
What is Leslie Hale’s work phone number?
Leslie Hale’s headquarters phone number is (301) 280-7777
What is Leslie Hale’s latest job experience?
Leslie Hale’s latest job experience is Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at RLJ Lodging Trust
What is Leslie Hale’s latest education?
Leslie Hale’s latest education in bachelor's degree at Howard University
Which industry does Leslie Hale work in?
Leslie Hale works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Leslie Hale’s peers at other companies?
Leslie Hale’s peers at other companies are Avi Goldstein, Cynthia Kelley, James Carroll, Jeffrey Saunders, Cynthia Kelley.
Who are Leslie Hale’s colleagues?
Some of Leslie Hale’s colleagues are William Harris, Jaymie Allen, Susan Sewell, Meridith Zimmerman.
How can I contact Leslie Hale?
Leslie Hale contact details: Email address: l***@rljlodgingtrust.com Phone number: (301) ***-****
Who is Leslie Hale?

Leslie D. Hale is the President and Chief Executive Officer of RLJ Lodging Trust, a leading hotel real estate investment trust. Since joining RLJ in 2005, Ms. Hale has played a pivotal role in setting and executing the strategic vision at RLJ. Ms. Hale has held progressively senior roles at RLJ – she was appointed to Chief Financial Officer in 2007... , Chief Operating Officer in 2016 and Chief Executive Officer in 2018. Ms. Hale helped successfully lead the execution of the initial public offering (IPO) of RLJ in 2011 and is on RLJ’s Board of Directors. In addition to RLJ, Ms. Hale serves on Macy’s, Inc.’s Board of Directors, is a Howard University Trustee and is a Board member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Baltimore Branch. Other organizations in which she is a member are the MINA Advisory Board, NAREIT Advisory Board of Governors, AHLA Executive Board and IREFAC. Before joining RLJ, Ms. Hale held senior positions at GE – working in GE’s Commercial Finance Mergers & Acquisitions Group and GE’s Real Estate Strategic Capital Group. Ms. Hale was also an investment banker with Goldman Sachs, advising on mergers, acquisitions and corporate finance. Ms. Hale earned a BBA from Howard University (summa cum laude), and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where she was a Goldman Sachs and Toigo Fellow.Read More

Where is Leslie Hale based?
Leslie Hale works for RLJ Lodging Trust, located at United States
Who is RLJ Lodging Trust’s President & Chief Executive Officer?
RLJ Lodging Trust's President & Chief Executive Officer is Leslie Hale
See more information about Leslie Hale

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