Len O'DonnellA

Len O'Donnell

Chief Executive Officer & Chairman at Affinius Capital

Len O'Donnell Email & Phone number

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(210) ***-****

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Len O'Donnell Work Experience Summary

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About Len O'Donnell

Len O'Donnell serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Affinius Capital, overseeing the company's approximately $31 billion of assets under management for the benefit of the investment portfolio and its 150+ investor clients. With over 30 years of experience in real estate, Len chairs the firm's Investment Committee and serves on the Board of Directors of Affinius Capital LLC. He is also a director on the boards of other affiliated companies, such as Patrinely and Mountpark. Len joined the predecessor of Affinius Capital, USAA Real Estate, as President and Chief Operating Officer in 2011, as part of a planned succession of the CEO role, ultimately taking the CEO position in 2013. Over these 13 years, he oversaw the transformation from a firm with a small number of investment strategies and fewer than 30 investors to the AUM and client base that exist today. Throughout this period, Affinius Capital has become recognized for its innovation and its ability to execute on emergingRead more

Len O'Donnell Current Workplace

Affinius Capital

2011-present (14 years)

At Affinius Capital, we consider our people to be our competitive advantage so we are committed to providing the tools, opportunities, and guidance. We work every day to attract, develop, retain, and motivate a diverse team of talented people who can join the skilled professionals here in pursuing our shared mission while grounding themselves in our core values.

Len O'Donnell Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Affinius Capital





University of Delaware

Org Chart - Affinius Capital

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer & Chairman





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Len O'Donnell

What company does Len O'Donnell work for?
Len O'Donnell works for Affinius Capital as Chief Executive Officer & Chairman
What is Len O'Donnell’s role in Affinius Capital?
Len O'Donnell’s role in Affinius Capital is Chief Executive Officer & Chairman
What is Len O'Donnell’s email address?
Len O'Donnell’s email address is l***@usrealco.com
What is Len O'Donnell’s business email address?
Len O'Donnell’s business email address is l***@usrealco.com
What is Len O'Donnell’s direct phone number?
Len O'Donnell’s direct phone number is (210) ***-****
What is Len O'Donnell’s work phone number?
Len O'Donnell’s headquarters phone number is (800) 531-8182
What is Len O'Donnell’s latest job experience?
Len O'Donnell’s latest job experience is President at Affinius Capital
What is Len O'Donnell’s latest education?
Len O'Donnell’s latest education in Graduated at University of Delaware
Which industry does Len O'Donnell work in?
Len O'Donnell works in the industry of Venture Capital & Private Equity, Finance.
Who are Len O'Donnell’s peers at other companies?
Len O'Donnell’s peers at other companies are Brett Fadeley, Edward Goldthorpe, Hasanain AIIbrahimy, Robert Morris, Leland Young.
Who are Len O'Donnell’s colleagues?
Some of Len O'Donnell’s colleagues are Shawn Adamek, Mark Esparza, April Thomas, Luke Stephens.
How can I contact Len O'Donnell?
Len O'Donnell contact details: Email address: l***@usrealco.com Phone number: (210) ***-****
Who is Len O'Donnell?

Len O'Donnell serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Affinius Capital, overseeing the company's approximately $31 billion of assets under management for the benefit of the investment portfolio and its 150+ investor clients. With over 30 years of experience in real estate, Len chairs the firm's Investment Committee and serves on the Board... of Directors of Affinius Capital LLC. He is also a director on the boards of other affiliated companies, such as Patrinely and Mountpark. Len joined the predecessor of Affinius Capital, USAA Real Estate, as President and Chief Operating Officer in 2011, as part of a planned succession of the CEO role, ultimately taking the CEO position in 2013. Over these 13 years, he oversaw the transformation from a firm with a small number of investment strategies and fewer than 30 investors to the AUM and client base that exist today. Throughout this period, Affinius Capital has become recognized for its innovation and its ability to execute on emerging investment strategies. Prior to joining Affinius Capital in 2011, Len was a Principal and Chief Investment Officer for Crimson Real Estate Fund, a real estate opportunity fund managed by Crimson Real Estate Advisors which specialized in value-added acquisitions and build-to-suit development.Read More

Where is Len O'Donnell based?
Len O'Donnell works for Affinius Capital, located at United States
Who is Affinius Capital’s Chief Executive Officer & Chairman?
Affinius Capital's Chief Executive Officer & Chairman is Len O'Donnell
See more information about Len O'Donnell

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