Lemi Assefa

Head of Business Development at Sinopia Import and Export

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Lemi Assefa Work Experience Summary

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About Lemi Assefa

Lemi Assefa is a Head of Business Development at Sinopia Import and Export based in Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa. Previously, Lemi was a Head of Business Development, Project Management at Rensys Engineering & Trading and also held positions at Kidame Mart, Moss Ict, Cheshire Services Ethiopia, Digital Opportunity Trust. Lemi received a Bachelor of Psychology degree from Wollega University.Explore more

Lemi Assefa Current Workplace

Sinopia Import and Export

2023-present (1 year)

We are on a growth path and are diversifing our arget markets to the greater Asia, Middle East, Europe and Northern America and East Afica as our source market, market we have extensive experience of. With an aggregated three solid decades of experience, we are ideally suited to fulfill all of your trading needs between China and Africa. We hold a keen interest in the Ethiopian market and are committed to boosting its exports capacity by providing excellent marketing service. Recognizing and supporting the effort of a less import dependent economy, we hold an equal commitment to assist both private and government entities in procurement of both goods and services. At Sinopia Impex PLC, the satisfaction of our clients is our priority, and all clients are treated as per their specific needs by our attentive domain experts. In order to provide great customer experience consistently we employ technology, starting from your first contact through shipment and delivery at destination. Our priSee more

Lemi Assefa Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head of Business Development, Project Management

Rensys Engineering & Trading


Project Manager, Expansion

Kidame Mart


Project Manager

Moss Ict


Social Worker

Cheshire Services Ethiopia




Bachelor of Psychology - 3.60

Wollega University

Org Chart - Sinopia Import and Export


Head of Business Development




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lemi Assefa

What company does Lemi Assefa work for?
Lemi Assefa works for Sinopia Import and Export as Head of Business Development
What is Lemi Assefa’s role in Sinopia Import and Export?
Lemi Assefa’s role in Sinopia Import and Export is Head of Business Development
What is Lemi Assefa’s direct phone number?
Lemi Assefa’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lemi Assefa’s latest job experience?
Lemi Assefa’s latest job experience is Head of Business Development, Project Management at Rensys Engineering & Trading
What is Lemi Assefa’s latest education?
Lemi Assefa’s latest education in Bachelor of Psychology - 3.60 at Wollega University
Which industry does Lemi Assefa work in?
Lemi Assefa works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Lemi Assefa’s peers at other companies?
Lemi Assefa’s peers at other companies are Bhavesh Sathwara, Darshan Singh, Phong Nguyen, Naveen Arora, Ekta Marwaha.
Who are Lemi Assefa’s colleagues?
Some of Lemi Assefa’s colleagues are Yonathan Getachew, Solomon Syoum, Hailemariam Meseret, Ephrata Meaza.
Who is Lemi Assefa?

Lemi Assefa is a Head of Business Development at Sinopia Import and Export based in Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa. Previously, Lemi was a Head of Business Development, Project Management at Rensys Engineering & Trading and also held positions at Kidame Mart, Moss Ict, Cheshire Services Ethiopia, Digital Opportunity Trust. Lemi received a Bachelor of P... sychology degree from Wollega University.Read More

Where is Lemi Assefa based?
Lemi Assefa works for Sinopia Import and Export, located at Ethiopia
See more information about Lemi Assefa

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