Leigh Breer

Regional VP, Business Development (Az, Co, Nm & Nv) at LHC Group

Leigh Breer Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Leigh Breer Current Workplace


LHC Group


Phone Number

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Leigh Breer Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Leigh Breer

Leigh Breer is a Regional VP, Business Development (Az, Co, Nm & Nv) at LHC Group based in Lafayette, Louisiana. Previously, Leigh was a Director, Sales at LHC Group and also held positions at Home Rent Listings, Bonaventure Senior Living, America's Credit Union, Wsecu, Key Bank. Leigh received a Business Administration degree from Tacoma Community College.Explore more

Leigh Breer Current Workplace

LHC Group

2022-present (3 years)

Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Lafayette, Louisiana, LHC Group, Inc., a health care provider, specializes in the post-acute continuum of care primarily for Medicare beneficiaries in the United States. The company operates through four segments: Home Health Services, Hospice Services, Community-Based Services, and Facility-Based Services. The Home Health Services segment offers home nursing services, including wound care and dressing changes, cardiac rehabilitation, infusion therapy, pain management, pharmaceutical administration, skilled observation and assessment, and patient education; medically-oriented social services; and physical, occupational, and speech therapy services. The Hospice Services segment provides pain and symptom management accompanied by palliative medication, emotional and spiritual support, inpatient and respite care, homemaker services, dietary counseling, family bereavement counseling, and social worker visits. The Community-Based Services segment offersSee more

Leigh Breer Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Sales

LHC Group


Manager, Market

Home Rent Listings


Regional Director, Sales & Marketing

Bonaventure Senior Living


Chief Operations Officer

America's Credit Union




Business Administration

Tacoma Community College

Org Chart - LHC Group


Regional VP, Business Development (...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Leigh Breer

What company does Leigh Breer work for?
Leigh Breer works for LHC Group as Regional VP, Business Development (Az, Co, Nm & Nv)
What is Leigh Breer’s role in LHC Group?
Leigh Breer’s role in LHC Group is Regional VP, Business Development (Az, Co, Nm & Nv)
What is Leigh Breer’s email address?
Leigh Breer’s email address is l***@lhcgroup.com
What is Leigh Breer’s business email address?
Leigh Breer’s business email address is l***@lhcgroup.com
What is Leigh Breer’s direct phone number?
Leigh Breer’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Leigh Breer’s work phone number?
Leigh Breer’s headquarters phone number is (866) 542-4768
What is Leigh Breer’s latest job experience?
Leigh Breer’s latest job experience is Director, Sales at LHC Group
What is Leigh Breer’s latest education?
Leigh Breer’s latest education in Business Administration at Tacoma Community College
Which industry does Leigh Breer work in?
Leigh Breer works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Leigh Breer’s colleagues?
Some of Leigh Breer’s colleagues are Rhena Garcia, Anni Prudhomme, Greg Levrault, Adam Housley.
How can I contact Leigh Breer?
Leigh Breer contact details: Email address: l***@lhcgroup.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Leigh Breer?

Leigh Breer is a Regional VP, Business Development (Az, Co, Nm & Nv) at LHC Group based in Lafayette, Louisiana. Previously, Leigh was a Director, Sales at LHC Group and also held positions at Home Rent Listings, Bonaventure Senior Living, America's Credit Union, Wsecu, Key Bank. Leigh received a Business Administration degree from Tacoma Communi... ty College.Read More

Where is Leigh Breer based?
Leigh Breer works for LHC Group, located at United States
See more information about Leigh Breer

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