
Leandro Revoredo

Manager, Business Operations at Apex Group

Leandro Revoredo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Leandro Revoredo Current Workplace


Apex Group


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Leandro Revoredo Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Leandro Revoredo

Leandro Revoredo is a Manager, Business Operations at Apex Group based in Hamilton, Hamilton city. Previously, Leandro was an Operations Head of Products at BRL Trust Investimentos and also held positions at Itaú Unibanco, ABN AMRO Bank, Banco Sudameris, Bradesco.Explore more

Leandro Revoredo Current Workplace

Apex Group

2020-present (4 years)

Apex Group Ltd., established in Bermuda in 2003, is a global financial services provider. Apex delivers an extensive range of services to asset managers, capital markets, private clients and family offices. The Group has continually improved and evolved its capabilities to offer a single-source solution through establishing the broadest range of services in the industry; including fund services, digital onboarding and bank accounts, depositary, custody and super ManCo services, business services including HR and Payroll and a pioneering ESG Ratings and Advisory service for private companies.

Leandro Revoredo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Operations Head of Products

BRL Trust Investimentos


Gerente De Serviços Para Mercado De Capitais

Itaú Unibanco


Manager, Operations




Banco Sudameris Brasil


Org Chart - Apex Group


Manager, Business Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Leandro Revoredo

What company does Leandro Revoredo work for?
Leandro Revoredo works for Apex Group as Manager, Business Operations
What is Leandro Revoredo’s role in Apex Group?
Leandro Revoredo’s role in Apex Group is Manager, Business Operations
What is Leandro Revoredo’s email address?
Leandro Revoredo’s email address is l***@apexgroup.com
What is Leandro Revoredo’s business email address?
Leandro Revoredo’s business email address is l***@apexgroup.com
What is Leandro Revoredo’s direct phone number?
Leandro Revoredo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Leandro Revoredo’s work phone number?
Leandro Revoredo’s headquarters phone number is (441) 292-2739
What is Leandro Revoredo’s latest job experience?
Leandro Revoredo’s latest job experience is Operations Head of Products at BRL Trust Investimentos
Which industry does Leandro Revoredo work in?
Leandro Revoredo works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Leandro Revoredo’s peers at other companies?
Leandro Revoredo’s peers at other companies are Lisa Lau, Beth Rose, Jamie Seguin, Thomas McKay, Prescott Busk.
Who are Leandro Revoredo’s colleagues?
Some of Leandro Revoredo’s colleagues are Eric Linley, Shraddha Pereira, Amanda-Leigh Natus, Zaheer Woodally.
How can I contact Leandro Revoredo?
Leandro Revoredo contact details: Email address: l***@apexgroup.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Leandro Revoredo?

Leandro Revoredo is a Manager, Business Operations at Apex Group based in Hamilton, Hamilton city. Previously, Leandro was an Operations Head of Products at BRL Trust Investimentos and also held positions at Itaú Unibanco, ABN AMRO Bank, Banco Sudameris, Bradesco.... Read More

Where is Leandro Revoredo based?
Leandro Revoredo works for Apex Group, located at Bermuda
See more information about Leandro Revoredo

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