
Laurie Sparr

Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor at Sarasota Memorial Health Care System

Laurie Sparr Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Laurie Sparr Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Laurie Sparr Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Laurie Sparr

Laurie Sparr is a seasoned talent acquisition professional, currently serving as the Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor at the Sarasota Memorial Health Care System. With a heartfelt passion and great energy, they excel at networking and sharing a common purpose with others, both at work and in their personal life. In their current role, Laurie is responsible for overseeing the organization's recruitment efforts, leveraging their expertise in talent acquisition to attract top-quality candidates.Prior to joining Sarasota Memorial Health Care System, Laurie held the position of Manager, Marketing & Physician Recruiter at the Gulf Coast Medical Group. There, they were in charge of developing and implementing effective marketing strategies to support the organization's physician recruitment initiatives. Laurie's ability to navigate the complexities of the healthcare industry and their commitment to building strong relationships with potential candidates have been instrumental in their succesRead more

Laurie Sparr Current Workplace

Sarasota Memorial Health Care System, located in Sarasota, Florida, is an institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical services and outpatient care.

Laurie Sparr Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Talent Acquisition Recruiter

Bayfront Health


Manager, Marketing & Physician & Recruiter

Gulf Coast Medical Group


Director, Creative Services

The Image Collection


Community Relations & Education Coordinator

Cody Regional Health




Associate of Arts - Mass Communication/Media Studies

University of South Florida

Bachelor of Human Resource Management

Valdosta State College

Program Diploma

International Business Management Institute (IBMI)

Org Chart - Sarasota Memorial Health Care System


Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Laurie Sparr

What company does Laurie Sparr work for?
Laurie Sparr works for Sarasota Memorial Health Care System as Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor
What is Laurie Sparr’s role in Sarasota Memorial Health Care System?
Laurie Sparr’s role in Sarasota Memorial Health Care System is Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor
What is Laurie Sparr’s email address?
Laurie Sparr’s email address is l***@smh.com
What is Laurie Sparr’s business email address?
Laurie Sparr’s business email address is l***@smh.com
What is Laurie Sparr’s direct phone number?
Laurie Sparr’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Laurie Sparr’s work phone number?
Laurie Sparr’s headquarters phone number is (941) 917-9000
What is Laurie Sparr’s latest job experience?
Laurie Sparr’s latest job experience is Talent Acquisition Recruiter at Bayfront Health
What is Laurie Sparr’s latest education?
Laurie Sparr’s latest education in Associate of Arts - Mass Communication/Media Studies at University of South Florida
Which industry does Laurie Sparr work in?
Laurie Sparr works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Laurie Sparr’s peers at other companies?
Laurie Sparr’s peers at other companies are Cheryl Guerrero, Wendy Thomas, Corry Tyle, Kerrie Shivers, Allison Rothman.
Who are Laurie Sparr’s colleagues?
Some of Laurie Sparr’s colleagues are Jorge Soto, Amy Hammon, Julia Groves, Andy Andreoulakis.
How can I contact Laurie Sparr?
Laurie Sparr contact details: Email address: l***@smh.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Laurie Sparr?

Laurie Sparr is a seasoned talent acquisition professional, currently serving as the Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor at the Sarasota Memorial Health Care System. With a heartfelt passion and great energy, they excel at networking and sharing a common purpose with others, both at work and in their personal life. In their current role, Laurie is re... sponsible for overseeing the organization's recruitment efforts, leveraging their expertise in talent acquisition to attract top-quality candidates.Prior to joining Sarasota Memorial Health Care System, Laurie held the position of Manager, Marketing & Physician Recruiter at the Gulf Coast Medical Group. There, they were in charge of developing and implementing effective marketing strategies to support the organization's physician recruitment initiatives. Laurie's ability to navigate the complexities of the healthcare industry and their commitment to building strong relationships with potential candidates have been instrumental in their success.Laurie holds an Associate of Arts degree from the University of South Florida. They have also earned the prestigious Talent Acquisition Stack-A-Bull certification, further demonstrating their dedication to professional development and staying at the forefront of the talent acquisition field.Read More

Where is Laurie Sparr based?
Laurie Sparr works for Sarasota Memorial Health Care System, located at United States
See more information about Laurie Sparr

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