
Lauren Mangla

Program Manager at Uss Constellation

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Lauren Mangla Work Experience Summary

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About Lauren Mangla

Lauren Mangla is a Program Manager at Uss Constellation based in Baltimore, Maryland. Previously, Lauren was an Executive Director at SPAR - South Africa.Explore more

Lauren Mangla Current Workplace

Uss Constellation

2024-present (5 months)

USS Constellation is a sloop-of-war, the last sail-only warship designed and built by the United States Navy. She was built at the Gosport Shipyard between 1853 and 1855 and was named for the earlier frigate of the same name that had been broken up in 1853. The sloop's primary armament was 8-inch (203 mm) shell-firing guns and four 32-pounder long guns, though she carried other guns as well, including two Parrott rifle chase guns. Constellation's career as a front-line unit was relatively short; after entering service in 1855, she served with the Mediterranean Squadron until 1858, and in 1859, she was assigned as the flagship of the Africa Squadron, where she served with the African Slave Trade Patrol. During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, the ship returned to the Mediterranean to patrol for Confederate vessels. In late 1864, she returned to the United States to be decommissioned, as most of her crews' enlistments had expired. She spent the rest of the war out of service.

Lauren Mangla Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Executive Director

SPAR - South Africa


Org Chart - Uss Constellation


Program Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lauren Mangla

What company does Lauren Mangla work for?
Lauren Mangla works for Uss Constellation as Program Manager
What is Lauren Mangla’s role in Uss Constellation?
Lauren Mangla’s role in Uss Constellation is Program Manager
What is Lauren Mangla’s email address?
Lauren Mangla’s email address is l***@constellation.org
What is Lauren Mangla’s business email address?
Lauren Mangla’s business email address is l***@constellation.org
What is Lauren Mangla’s direct phone number?
Lauren Mangla’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lauren Mangla’s work phone number?
Lauren Mangla’s headquarters phone number is (410) 539-1797
What is Lauren Mangla’s latest job experience?
Lauren Mangla’s latest job experience is Executive Director at SPAR - South Africa
Which industry does Lauren Mangla work in?
Lauren Mangla works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Lauren Mangla’s peers at other companies?
Lauren Mangla’s peers at other companies are Juan Garcia, Ally Sroczynski, Mary Sawyer, Sonali Devarajan, Derek Tobias.
Who are Lauren Mangla’s colleagues?
Some of Lauren Mangla’s colleagues are Miguel Avila, Joe Smith, Alexander Beck, Linh Nguyen.
How can I contact Lauren Mangla?
Lauren Mangla contact details: Email address: l***@constellation.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Lauren Mangla?

Lauren Mangla is a Program Manager at Uss Constellation based in Baltimore, Maryland. Previously, Lauren was an Executive Director at SPAR - South Africa.... Read More

Where is Lauren Mangla based?
Lauren Mangla works for Uss Constellation, located at United States
See more information about Lauren Mangla

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