
Laura Triana

Loan Processor at Emerald Mortgage

Laura Triana Email & Phone number


(847) ***-****

Laura Triana Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Laura Triana

Laura Triana is a Loan Processor at Emerald Mortgage based in Fox River Grove, Illinois.

Laura Triana Current Workplace

Emerald Mortgage

2020-present (4 years)

Emerald Mortgage Corporation is a family-owned mortgage brokerage located in Fox River Grove, Illinois, specializing in helping clients secure home loans that cater to their specific needs. They offer services for both new and previous customers, including loan qualification assistance and refinancing options. The company prioritizes community involvement and supports clients in qualifying for down payment assistance programs. With a dedicated and educated staff, they aim to provide exceptional service to a diverse range of clients seeking mortgage solutions.

Org Chart - Emerald Mortgage

Laura Triana

Loan Processor

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Laura Triana

What company does Laura Triana work for?
Laura Triana works for Emerald Mortgage as Loan Processor
What is Laura Triana’s role in Emerald Mortgage?
Laura Triana’s role in Emerald Mortgage is Loan Processor
What is Laura Triana’s email address?
Laura Triana’s email address is l***@emeraldcorp.com
What is Laura Triana’s business email address?
Laura Triana’s business email address is l***@emeraldcorp.com
What is Laura Triana’s direct phone number?
Laura Triana’s direct phone number is (847) ***-****
What is Laura Triana’s work phone number?
Laura Triana’s headquarters phone number is (847) 639-1155
Which industry does Laura Triana work in?
Laura Triana works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Laura Triana’s peers at other companies?
Laura Triana’s peers at other companies are Candice Yeung, Samantha Wimmer, Nicole Slowe, Mike Glazier, Jill Swantek-Koch.
Who are Laura Triana’s colleagues?
Some of Laura Triana’s colleagues are Gabriel Glaysher, Elia Rodriguez, Lisa Solarte.
How can I contact Laura Triana?
Laura Triana contact details: Email address: l***@emeraldcorp.com Phone number: (847) ***-****
Who is Laura Triana?

Laura Triana is a Loan Processor at Emerald Mortgage based in Fox River Grove, Illinois....

Where is Laura Triana based?
Laura Triana works for Emerald Mortgage, located at United States