Laura Kumanov

Senior Manager, Delivery at Mission Lane

Laura Kumanov Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Laura Kumanov Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Laura Kumanov Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Laura Kumanov

Laura Kumanov is a Senior Manager, Delivery at Mission Lane based in Atlanta, Georgia. Previously, Laura was a Manager, Delivery at Mission Lane and also held positions at Rubrik, Zumasys, jazel. Laura received a High School Diploma degree from Simi Valley High School and a Bachelor of International/Global Studies from University of California, Irvine.

Laura Kumanov Current Workplace

Mission Lane

2021-present (4 years)

Founded in 2018, Mission Lane is a financial services company that leverages advanced technology, data analytics, and machine learning to provide a dignified customer experience to people who are working hard to build or rebuild their credit and improve their financial lives.

Laura Kumanov Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Delivery

Mission Lane


Project Manager, Marketing



Project Manager



Project Coordinator





High School Diploma

Simi Valley High School

Bachelor of International/Global Studies

University of California, Irvine

Org Chart - Mission Lane

Laura Kumanov

Senior Manager, Delivery

Intent on Laura Kumanov's Company


Interest in Laura Kumanov's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Laura Kumanov

What company does Laura Kumanov work for?
Laura Kumanov works for Mission Lane as Senior Manager, Delivery
What is Laura Kumanov’s role in Mission Lane?
Laura Kumanov’s role in Mission Lane is Senior Manager, Delivery
What is Laura Kumanov’s email address?
Laura Kumanov’s email address is l***
What is Laura Kumanov’s business email address?
Laura Kumanov’s business email address is l***
What is Laura Kumanov’s direct phone number?
Laura Kumanov’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Laura Kumanov’s work phone number?
Laura Kumanov’s headquarters phone number is (855) 570-3732
What is Laura Kumanov’s latest job experience?
Laura Kumanov’s latest job experience is Manager, Delivery at Mission Lane
What is Laura Kumanov’s latest education?
Laura Kumanov’s latest education in High School Diploma at Simi Valley High School
Which industry does Laura Kumanov work in?
Laura Kumanov works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Laura Kumanov’s peers at other companies?
Laura Kumanov’s peers at other companies are Navjot Kalsi, Karthickeyan Iyer, Sam Stone, Badripar Parameswaran, London Lewis.
Who are Laura Kumanov’s colleagues?
Some of Laura Kumanov’s colleagues are Kevin Smith, Silvia Valverde, Paul Weimer, Howard Goldstein.
How can I contact Laura Kumanov?
Laura Kumanov contact details: Email address: l*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Laura Kumanov?

Laura Kumanov is a Senior Manager, Delivery at Mission Lane based in Atlanta, Georgia. Previously, Laura was a Manager, Delivery at Mission Lane and also held positions at Rubrik, Zumasys, jazel. Laura received a High School Diploma degree from Simi Valley High School and a Bachelor of International/Global Studies from University of California, I... rvine.

Where is Laura Kumanov based?
Laura Kumanov works for Mission Lane, located at United States