Laura Denning

President at Ataxia MJD Research Project

Laura Denning Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Laura Denning Work Experience Summary

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Last Update 12/1/2024 1:49 PM

About Laura Denning

Laura Denning is the President at Ataxia MJD Research Project based in Burlingame, California.

Laura Denning Current Workplace

Ataxia MJD Research Project

2005-present (20 years)

The Ataxia MJD Research Project was founded in 1998 by Laura Denning to find a treatment or a cure to Machado-Joseph Disease SCA Type 3 by funding scientific research on this rare genetic disease. When we learned that our family was at risk for this disease, we were terrified and worried. It was completely unexpected as we'd never heard of Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) or seen it in the family. Reading about it didn't help because all the information was negative, and for a time, we couldn't find a shred of hope. The only thing we could do was to form this nonprofit corporation to help scientists discover a cure for MJD. I hope you'll join us in our quest for hope and life. In 1998, the San Francisco Chronicle published an article about our story and our organization.

Laura Denning Work Experience & Education

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Org Chart - Ataxia MJD Research Project

Laura Denning


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Laura Denning

What company does Laura Denning work for?
Laura Denning works for Ataxia MJD Research Project as President
What is Laura Denning’s role in Ataxia MJD Research Project?
Laura Denning’s role in Ataxia MJD Research Project is President
What is Laura Denning’s email address?
Laura Denning’s email address is l***@ataxiamjd.org
What is Laura Denning’s business email address?
Laura Denning’s business email address is l***@ataxiamjd.org
What is Laura Denning’s direct phone number?
Laura Denning’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Laura Denning’s work phone number?
Laura Denning’s headquarters phone number is (650) 347-0362
Which industry does Laura Denning work in?
Laura Denning works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are Laura Denning’s peers at other companies?
Laura Denning’s peers at other companies are Shirish Inamdar, Joe O'Malley, Lisa Rogers, Katherine Conway-Turner, Robert Murray.
How can I contact Laura Denning?
Laura Denning contact details: Email address: l***@ataxiamjd.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Laura Denning?

Laura Denning is the President at Ataxia MJD Research Project based in Burlingame, California....

Where is Laura Denning based?
Laura Denning works for Ataxia MJD Research Project, located at United States
Who is Ataxia MJD Research Project’s President?
Ataxia MJD Research Project's President is Laura Denning