Larry Solomon

President at Keratin Complex

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(***) ***-****

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About Larry Solomon

Larry Solomon is the President at Keratin Complex based in Boca Raton, Florida.Explore more

Larry Solomon Current Workplace

Keratin Complex

2007-present (17 years)

Keratin Complex, a leading full-service professional beauty manufacturer, was founded in 2006 and quickly gained national and international recognition thanks to their innovative signature Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment (NKST). The company not only helped fuel industry growth in this category but provided salon clients with effective, long-lasting solutions for beautiful hair every day. Working with leading chemists and hair-care experts, Keratin Complex realized that the key was in harnessing the power of natural keratin, an essential hair protein that delivers incredible benefits, endless versatility, and a never-before-seen smoothing effect-all without breaking the bonds of the hair. Since the launch, Keratin Complex has introduced professional customizable keratin treatments for every hair type and texture, as well as Keratin Complex Color, styling and haircare ranges.

Org Chart - Keratin Complex






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Larry Solomon

What company does Larry Solomon work for?
Larry Solomon works for Keratin Complex as President
What is Larry Solomon’s role in Keratin Complex?
Larry Solomon’s role in Keratin Complex is President
What is Larry Solomon’s email address?
Larry Solomon’s email address is l***@keratincomplex.com
What is Larry Solomon’s business email address?
Larry Solomon’s business email address is l***@keratincomplex.com
What is Larry Solomon’s direct phone number?
Larry Solomon’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Larry Solomon’s work phone number?
Larry Solomon’s headquarters phone number is (561) 206-6050
Which industry does Larry Solomon work in?
Larry Solomon works in the industry of Hair Salons, Consumer Services.
Who are Larry Solomon’s peers at other companies?
Larry Solomon’s peers at other companies are Lauren Spencer, Paul Santangelo, Marlene Thompson, Greg Salo, Marty Mehron.
Who are Larry Solomon’s colleagues?
Some of Larry Solomon’s colleagues are Wendy Clark, Nicolle Talley, Marceli McEnro, Priscilla Stalker.
How can I contact Larry Solomon?
Larry Solomon contact details: Email address: l***@keratincomplex.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Larry Solomon?

Larry Solomon is the President at Keratin Complex based in Boca Raton, Florida.... Read More

Where is Larry Solomon based?
Larry Solomon works for Keratin Complex, located at United States
Who is Keratin Complex’s President?
Keratin Complex's President is Larry Solomon
See more information about Larry Solomon

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