Lara Belo

Manager, Operations at Sysgen RPO

Lara Belo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Lara Belo Current Workplace


Sysgen RPO


Phone Number

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Lara Belo Work Experience Summary

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About Lara Belo

Lara Belo is a Manager, Operations at Sysgen RPO based in Legaspi Village, Bicol. Previously, Lara was a Technical Recruiter at Collabera and also held positions at VXI Global Solutions, ManpowerGroup Philippines, Nezda Technologies.Explore more

Lara Belo Current Workplace

Sysgen RPO

2022-present (3 years)

Sysgen RPO is one of the leading Recruitment Process Outsourcing providers in the Philippines. We provide offshore sourcing and offshore recruiting services from Makati, the Philippines' premier business district. We are a member of the Sysgen Group - a mutually reinforcing group of companies founded in 1991 to provide IT Consulting, IT Staffing, and IT-enabled services such as Cad Outsourcing. Our mission is to provide staffing organizations with quality offshore RPO services making use of experienced and well trained recruiters from the Philippines. Through true commercial partnership we become allies in achieving cost savings, process improvement, and greater time for your core business - generating revenues. Sysgen RPO works directly with staffing organizations all over the world by providing offshore sourcing and offshore recruiting services. We currently support customers in the US and the UK that use Sysgen RPO for recruiting efficiency and cost efficiency.

Lara Belo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Technical Recruiter

Nezda Technologies


Technical Recruiter



Recruitment Assistant

VXI Global Solutions


Recruitment Assistant

ManpowerGroup Philippines


Org Chart - Sysgen RPO


Manager, Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lara Belo

What company does Lara Belo work for?
Lara Belo works for Sysgen RPO as Manager, Operations
What is Lara Belo’s role in Sysgen RPO?
Lara Belo’s role in Sysgen RPO is Manager, Operations
What is Lara Belo’s email address?
Lara Belo’s email address is l***
What is Lara Belo’s business email address?
Lara Belo’s business email address is l***
What is Lara Belo’s direct phone number?
Lara Belo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lara Belo’s work phone number?
Lara Belo’s headquarters phone number is +63 28120617
What is Lara Belo’s latest job experience?
Lara Belo’s latest job experience is Senior Technical Recruiter at Nezda Technologies
Which industry does Lara Belo work in?
Lara Belo works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Lara Belo’s peers at other companies?
Lara Belo’s peers at other companies are Utkarsh Kumar, Sandy Medley, Gyan Rai, Claudia Frankenberg, Marlou Macaraeg.
Who are Lara Belo’s colleagues?
Some of Lara Belo’s colleagues are Rowyne Madayag, Alyn Bajado, Ray Salazar, Jose Aguilar.
How can I contact Lara Belo?
Lara Belo contact details: Email address: l*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Lara Belo?

Lara Belo is a Manager, Operations at Sysgen RPO based in Legaspi Village, Bicol. Previously, Lara was a Technical Recruiter at Collabera and also held positions at VXI Global Solutions, ManpowerGroup Philippines, Nezda Technologies.... Read More

Where is Lara Belo based?
Lara Belo works for Sysgen RPO, located at Philippines
See more information about Lara Belo

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