
Lannie Moffatt

Chief Operating Officer at Bangor Savings Bank

Lannie Moffatt Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(207) ***-****

Lannie Moffatt Current Workplace


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Lannie Moffatt Work Experience Summary

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About Lannie Moffatt

Lannie Moffatt is the Chief Operating Officer at Bangor Savings Bank based in Bangor, Maine. Previously, Lannie was the Manager, Customer Care Center at Bangor Savings Bank. Lannie received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of New Hampshire and a Bachelor of Science from Husson University.Explore more

Lannie Moffatt Current Workplace

Bangor Savings Bank

2022-present (3 years)

At Bangor Savings Bank, we are committed to investing in Maine. In its people and in the communities we serve. Its why our employees collectively donate thousands of service-hours a year to their communities. Its why we support hundreds of causes throughout the state and continue to help local organizations energize and enhance the quality of life for the people of Maine.By connecting with us, you can expect to hear about many things including our involvement in Maine communities, events, exciting offerings, and ways we can matter more to you. Before you join the conversation, please take a moment and read our social media guidelines at http://www.bangor.com/guidelines to ensure the best possible experience for everyone. If you need assistance with an account or have a concern youd like to discuss, were here to help!Bangor SupportCall us: 1.877.Bangor1 (1.877.226.4671)Email us: bangorsupport@bangor.comM F 7:00AM to 7:00PMSat 8:00AM to 2:00PMSun 10:00AM to 2:00PMOr visit us at any of ouSee more

Lannie Moffatt Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Customer Care Center

Bangor Savings Bank


Bachelor of Science - Business Administration

University of New Hampshire

Bachelor of Science - Business Administration

Husson University

Org Chart - Bangor Savings Bank

Chief Operating Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lannie Moffatt

What company does Lannie Moffatt work for?
Lannie Moffatt works for Bangor Savings Bank as Chief Operating Officer
What is Lannie Moffatt’s role in Bangor Savings Bank?
Lannie Moffatt’s role in Bangor Savings Bank is Chief Operating Officer
What is Lannie Moffatt’s email address?
Lannie Moffatt’s email address is l***@bangor.com
What is Lannie Moffatt’s business email address?
Lannie Moffatt’s business email address is l***@bangor.com
What is Lannie Moffatt’s direct phone number?
Lannie Moffatt’s direct phone number is (207) ***-****
What is Lannie Moffatt’s work phone number?
Lannie Moffatt’s headquarters phone number is (207) 942-4818
What is Lannie Moffatt’s latest job experience?
Lannie Moffatt’s latest job experience is Manager, Customer Care Center at Bangor Savings Bank
What is Lannie Moffatt’s latest education?
Lannie Moffatt’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Business Administration at University of New Hampshire
Which industry does Lannie Moffatt work in?
Lannie Moffatt works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Lannie Moffatt’s peers at other companies?
Lannie Moffatt’s peers at other companies are John Ndugi, Stacy Suggs, Stacey Morris-Potter, Joe Pieratt, Brandon Blaut.
Who are Lannie Moffatt’s colleagues?
Some of Lannie Moffatt’s colleagues are Todd Reed, Kayla Dunn, Cory Worcester, Scott Woodward.
How can I contact Lannie Moffatt?
Lannie Moffatt contact details: Email address: l***@bangor.com Phone number: (207) ***-****
Who is Lannie Moffatt?

Lannie Moffatt is the Chief Operating Officer at Bangor Savings Bank based in Bangor, Maine. Previously, Lannie was the Manager, Customer Care Center at Bangor Savings Bank. Lannie received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of New Hampshire and a Bachelor of Science from Husson University.... Read More

Where is Lannie Moffatt based?
Lannie Moffatt works for Bangor Savings Bank, located at United States
Who is Bangor Savings Bank’s Chief Operating Officer?
Bangor Savings Bank's Chief Operating Officer is Lannie Moffatt
See more information about Lannie Moffatt

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