Lala Eva

Finance at Kemach Equipment

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(***) ***-****

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About Lala Eva

Lala Eva works as a Finance at Kemach Equipment, which is an Industrial Machinery & Equipment company with an estimated 153 employees. They are part of Finance Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Lala is currently based in South Africa. Found email listings include: more

Lala Eva Current Workplace

Kemach Equipment

2023-present (1 year)

Kemach Equipment (Pty) Ltd is the distributor of outstanding JCB earthmoving equipment, McCloskey Crushing and Screening Equipment, Stampede Compact Compaction Equipment and Kemach Forklifts in South Africa; equipment that is built tough and engineered to perform. The company was established in 2003 and has grown to be a recognised and respected supplier in Southern Africa. As a leading earthmoving solutions dealer, Kemach Equipment supplies high-calibre equipment to the mining, construction, quarrying and plant hire industries, as well as the central government. A focused dealer of distinguished equipment and support, Kemach Equipment continuously strives to put the customer at the heart of its business, fixated on meeting each client's unique needs. The company operates throughout South Africa. Expert service is ensured through its extensive African footprint, including its national office based in Gauteng, and regional offices situated in; Johannesburg, Pretoria, Middelburg, Durban,See more

Org Chart - Kemach Equipment






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lala Eva

What company does Lala Eva work for?
Lala Eva works for Kemach Equipment as Finance
What is Lala Eva’s role in Kemach Equipment?
Lala Eva’s role in Kemach Equipment is Finance
What is Lala Eva’s email address?
Lala Eva’s email address is l***
What is Lala Eva’s business email address?
Lala Eva’s business email address is l***
What is Lala Eva’s direct phone number?
Lala Eva’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Lala Eva’s work phone number?
Lala Eva’s headquarters phone number is +27 118266710
Which industry does Lala Eva work in?
Lala Eva works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Lala Eva’s peers at other companies?
Lala Eva’s peers at other companies are Xiang Gao, Heather Wenk, Patricia Romero, Eric W., B. Rao.
Who are Lala Eva’s colleagues?
Some of Lala Eva’s colleagues are Edwin Dry, Tom Jones, Michael Nemutandani, Arvind Deven.
How can I contact Lala Eva?
Lala Eva contact details: Email address: l*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Lala Eva based?
Lala Eva works for Kemach Equipment, located at South Africa
See more information about Lala Eva

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