Ladi Soetan

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About Ladi Soetan

Ladi Soetan works at Siji Soetan, which is a Law Firms & Legal Services company with an estimated 15 employees. Ladi is currently based in Lagos, Lagos. Found email listings include: l*** more

Ladi Soetan Current Workplace

Siji Soetan

2015-present (10 years)

Siji Soetan & Co., is a Nigerian business and energy law firm. Chief Siji Soetan, a former Solicitor-General of Nigeria, founded it in 1980. From its beginnings with only a few solicitors/attorneys Siji Soetan & Co has grown to become one of the most respectable law firms in Nigeria. The law firm has handled many of the ground-breaking matters in several areas of practice. Our solicitors acted for Lipton Limited in the historic Lever Brothers/Lipton merger; the first merger in the country's corporate history. Other similar project include the Chevron Texaco merger in Nigeria. Our Attorneys were selected by the sponsors of the West African Gas Pipeline Project to act as Nigerian legal advisers to the project. The firm was also chosen by Chevron Nigeria Limited to provide legal advice in respect of its Gas-to-Liquids project. With respect to taxation Siji Soetan & Co., is regularly consulted for advice on the application of the provisions of the Petroleum Profits Tax Act, Companies IncomSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ladi Soetan

What is Ladi Soetan’s direct phone number?
Ladi Soetan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ladi Soetan’s work phone number?
Ladi Soetan’s headquarters phone number is +234 8033076506
Which industry does Ladi Soetan work in?
Ladi Soetan works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Ladi Soetan’s colleagues?
Some of Ladi Soetan’s colleagues are Chidinma Onuoha, Abimbola Akintunde, Ebuka Nweke, Esther Obasi.
Where is Ladi Soetan based?
Ladi Soetan works for Siji Soetan, located at Nigeria
See more information about Ladi Soetan

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