
Kyra Morgan

Medical Epidemiologist at State of Nevada

Kyra Morgan Email & Phone number


(775) ***-****

Kyra Morgan Current Workplace



Number of Employees


Kyra Morgan Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Kyra Morgan

Kyra Morgan is a Medical Epidemiologist at State of Nevada based in Carson City, Nevada. Previously, Kyra was a Chief Biostatistician at State of Nevada and also held positions at Prominence Health Plan, Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH, City of Reno, NV, Division of Child and Family Services.

Kyra Morgan Current Workplace

State of Nevada

2024-present (8 months)

The State of Nevada is in the Western United States, with its capital city, Carson City. Nevada is a large gold producer and is officially known as the "Silver State" due to the importance of silver to its history and economy.

Kyra Morgan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Medical Epidemiologist

Division of Child and Family Services


Chief Biostatistician

State of Nevada


Senior Health Data Analyst

Prominence Health Plan


Org Chart - State of Nevada

Kyra Morgan

Medical Epidemiologist

Recent News About Kyra Morgan

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kyra Morgan

What company does Kyra Morgan work for?
Kyra Morgan works for State of Nevada as Medical Epidemiologist
What is Kyra Morgan’s role in State of Nevada?
Kyra Morgan’s role in State of Nevada is Medical Epidemiologist
What is Kyra Morgan’s email address?
Kyra Morgan’s email address is k***@admin.nv.gov
What is Kyra Morgan’s business email address?
Kyra Morgan’s business email address is k***@admin.nv.gov
What is Kyra Morgan’s direct phone number?
Kyra Morgan’s direct phone number is (775) ***-****
What is Kyra Morgan’s work phone number?
Kyra Morgan’s headquarters phone number is (775) 684-5670
What is Kyra Morgan’s latest job experience?
Kyra Morgan’s latest job experience is Medical Epidemiologist at Division of Child and Family Services
Which industry does Kyra Morgan work in?
Kyra Morgan works in the industry of Government.
Who are Kyra Morgan’s peers at other companies?
Kyra Morgan’s peers at other companies are Michelle Cretikos, James Cresanta, Savita Kumar, Marcia Goldoft, Chad Smelser.
Who are Kyra Morgan’s colleagues?
Some of Kyra Morgan’s colleagues are Jodie Evans, Marcia Wilson, Ron Taylor, Lisa Alfred.
How can I contact Kyra Morgan?
Kyra Morgan contact details: Email address: k***@admin.nv.gov Phone number: (775) ***-****
Who is Kyra Morgan?

Kyra Morgan is a Medical Epidemiologist at State of Nevada based in Carson City, Nevada. Previously, Kyra was a Chief Biostatistician at State of Nevada and also held positions at Prominence Health Plan, Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH, City of Reno, NV, Division of Child and Family Services....

Where is Kyra Morgan based?
Kyra Morgan works for State of Nevada, located at United States