2015-present (9 years)
Kyle Yee Email & Phone number
Kyle Yee Current Workplace
2244 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, California, 91770, United States
Phone Number
(626) 302-1212
Number of Employees
Kyle Yee Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
2About Kyle Yee
Kyle Yee is an Energy Trader at Southern California Edison, based in Rosemead, United States. Prior to his current role, he was an Energy Manager at Clearway Energy Group. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Occidental College.
Kyle Yee Current Workplace
Southern California Edison
Founded in 1886, Southern California Edison is a subsidiary of Edison International. SCE is a electricity supply company that operates in southern california serving residents and commercial properties with electricity. SCE is headquartered out of Rosemead, Calidornia.
Kyle Yee Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kyle Yee
Kyle Yee is an Energy Trader at Southern California Edison, based in Rosemead, United States. Prior to his current role, he was an Energy Manager at Clearway Energy Group. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Occidental College....