
Kyle Yee

Energy Trader at Southern California Edison

Kyle Yee Email & Phone number


(626) ***-****

Kyle Yee Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Kyle Yee Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kyle Yee

Kyle Yee is an Energy Trader at Southern California Edison, based in Rosemead, United States. Prior to his current role, he was an Energy Manager at Clearway Energy Group. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Occidental College.

Kyle Yee Current Workplace

Southern California Edison

2015-present (9 years)

Founded in 1886, Southern California Edison is a subsidiary of Edison International. SCE is a electricity supply company that operates in southern california serving residents and commercial properties with electricity. SCE is headquartered out of Rosemead, Calidornia.

Kyle Yee Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Energy Manager

Clearway Energy Group




Bachelor of Economics - Mathematics Minor

Occidental College

Org Chart - Southern California Edison

Kyle Yee

Energy Trader

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kyle Yee

What company does Kyle Yee work for?
Kyle Yee works for Southern California Edison as Energy Trader
What is Kyle Yee’s role in Southern California Edison?
Kyle Yee’s role in Southern California Edison is Energy Trader
What is Kyle Yee’s email address?
Kyle Yee’s email address is k***@sce.com
What is Kyle Yee’s business email address?
Kyle Yee’s business email address is k***@sce.com
What is Kyle Yee’s direct phone number?
Kyle Yee’s direct phone number is (626) ***-****
What is Kyle Yee’s work phone number?
Kyle Yee’s headquarters phone number is (626) 302-1212
What is Kyle Yee’s latest job experience?
Kyle Yee’s latest job experience is Energy Manager at Clearway Energy Group
What is Kyle Yee’s latest education?
Kyle Yee’s latest education in Bachelor of Economics - Mathematics Minor at Occidental College
Which industry does Kyle Yee work in?
Kyle Yee works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Kyle Yee’s peers at other companies?
Kyle Yee’s peers at other companies are Maria Tolentino, Hazel Vina Villanueva, Wency F. Villanueva, Christopher McDowall, Nick Farrell.
Who are Kyle Yee’s colleagues?
Some of Kyle Yee’s colleagues are Scott Lorenzen, Mike Meraz, Jesse Vance, Curtis Purdy.
How can I contact Kyle Yee?
Kyle Yee contact details: Email address: k***@sce.com Phone number: (626) ***-****
Who is Kyle Yee?

Kyle Yee is an Energy Trader at Southern California Edison, based in Rosemead, United States. Prior to his current role, he was an Energy Manager at Clearway Energy Group. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Occidental College....

Where is Kyle Yee based?
Kyle Yee works for Southern California Edison, located at United States