Kv Dresner

Owner at Hopewell Public Library

Kv Dresner Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Kv Dresner Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Kv Dresner

Kv Dresner is an Owner at Hopewell Public Library based in Hopewell, New Jersey.

Kv Dresner Current Workplace

Hopewell Public Library provides a wide range of resources including physical books, e-books, and audiobooks to its community members. The library also offers various programs and events aimed at children and young adults, such as storytime and creative activities. Intended clients include residents of Hopewell, NJ, and neighboring areas seeking educational and recreational materials. The library upholds the principles of access to information and freedom to read, fostering a supportive environment for all patrons.

Org Chart - Hopewell Public Library

Kv Dresner


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kv Dresner

What company does Kv Dresner work for?
Kv Dresner works for Hopewell Public Library as Owner
What is Kv Dresner’s role in Hopewell Public Library?
Kv Dresner’s role in Hopewell Public Library is Owner
What is Kv Dresner’s email address?
Kv Dresner’s email address is k***@redlibrary.org
What is Kv Dresner’s business email address?
Kv Dresner’s business email address is k***@redlibrary.org
What is Kv Dresner’s direct phone number?
Kv Dresner’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kv Dresner’s work phone number?
Kv Dresner’s headquarters phone number is (609) 466-1625
Which industry does Kv Dresner work in?
Kv Dresner works in the industry of Libraries, Cultural.
Who are Kv Dresner’s peers at other companies?
Kv Dresner’s peers at other companies are Susan Bigsby, Tony Rehor, William Arnold, Thomas Schneider, Vincent Aurilio.
Who are Kv Dresner’s colleagues?
Some of Kv Dresner’s colleagues are Katherine Dresdner, Jennifer Saltman, Barbara Merry, Barbara DiLorenzo.
How can I contact Kv Dresner?
Kv Dresner contact details: Email address: k***@redlibrary.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kv Dresner?

Kv Dresner is an Owner at Hopewell Public Library based in Hopewell, New Jersey....

Where is Kv Dresner based?
Kv Dresner works for Hopewell Public Library, located at United States
Who is Hopewell Public Library’s Owner?
Hopewell Public Library's Owner is Kv Dresner