
Krystal Miranda

Dental Assistant at Simply Smile Family Dentistry

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(***) ***-****

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About Krystal Miranda

Krystal is a certified dental assistant who graduated from the South Carolina Dental Assisting School of Columbia in 2011. She is currently studying dental hygiene at Midlands Technical College. She enjoys caring for patients of all ages and does her best to make them feel comfortable during their visit. Her hobbies include taking spin classes, traveling with her husband and their three daughters, and baking.Explore more

Krystal Miranda Current Workplace

Simply Smile Family Dentistry

2020-present (4 years)

Welcome to Simply Smile Family Dentistry in Columbia, SC! Dr. Sabrina Dailey is pleased to welcome you to Simply Smile Family Dentistry. Our mission is to provide the families of Columbia, SC with quality, comprehensive dentistry in an environment where you feel comfortable and valued. We are supported by our experienced, compassionate team and together we will work to provide your family with the personalized care you all deserve. With family in mind, our office provides preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and orthodontic treatments. From routine exams to dental implants to Fastbraces®, weve got you covered. We take pride in offering an array of services that allow us to take care of all your dental needs from childhood through adulthood. The best care comes from a longstanding relationship with our patients, and we strive to develop that with every appointment! Our Cozy, Inviting Dental Office in Columbia, SC We believe that our warm, welcoming atmosphere is just one of the many thingSee more

Org Chart - Simply Smile Family Dentistry


Dental Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Krystal Miranda

What company does Krystal Miranda work for?
Krystal Miranda works for Simply Smile Family Dentistry as Dental Assistant
What is Krystal Miranda’s role in Simply Smile Family Dentistry?
Krystal Miranda’s role in Simply Smile Family Dentistry is Dental Assistant
What is Krystal Miranda’s email address?
Krystal Miranda’s email address is k***@simplysmilefamilydentistry.com
What is Krystal Miranda’s business email address?
Krystal Miranda’s business email address is k***@simplysmilefamilydentistry.com
What is Krystal Miranda’s direct phone number?
Krystal Miranda’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Krystal Miranda’s work phone number?
Krystal Miranda’s headquarters phone number is (803) 807-2140
Which industry does Krystal Miranda work in?
Krystal Miranda works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Krystal Miranda’s peers at other companies?
Krystal Miranda’s peers at other companies are Theresa Rose, Courtney Senft, Daniel Faigel, Manon Léonard, Jacinta Jester.
Who are Krystal Miranda’s colleagues?
Some of Krystal Miranda’s colleagues are Sabrina Dailey, Christopher Feaster, Teresa Harris, Libra Johnson.
How can I contact Krystal Miranda?
Krystal Miranda contact details: Email address: k***@simplysmilefamilydentistry.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Krystal Miranda?

Krystal is a certified dental assistant who graduated from the South Carolina Dental Assisting School of Columbia in 2011. She is currently studying dental hygiene at Midlands Technical College. She enjoys caring for patients of all ages and does her best to make them feel comfortable during their visit. Her hobbies include taking spin classes, tra... veling with her husband and their three daughters, and baking.Read More

Where is Krystal Miranda based?
Krystal Miranda works for Simply Smile Family Dentistry, located at United States
See more information about Krystal Miranda

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