Kritchayan Intarat

Lecturer at Thammasat University

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Kritchayan Intarat Work Experience Summary

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About Kritchayan Intarat

Kritchayan Intarat is a Lecturer at Thammasat University based in Pathum Thani, Pathum Thani. Previously, Kritchayan was a Geoinformatics Executive at Charoen Pokphand Group and also held positions at Piboonbumpen Demonstration School, Burapha University.Explore more

Kritchayan Intarat Current Workplace

Thammasat University

2019-present (6 years)

Thammasat University (Abrv: TU .; ) is a public research university in Thailand with campuses in Tha Phra Chan area of Phra Nakhon District near the Grand Palace in the heart of Bangkok; in Rangsit, 42 kilometers north of Bangkok; in Pattaya, a resort city on the eastern seaboard of Thailand; and in Lampang Province. as of 2019, Thammasat University has over 33,000 students enrolled in 33 faculties, colleges, and institutes Thammasat is Thailand's second oldest university. Officially established to be the national university of Thailand on 27 June 1934, it was named by its founder, Pridi Banomyong, the University of Moral and Political Sciences (). It began as an open university, with 7,094 students studying law and politics in its first year. In 1960, the university ended its free-entry policy and became the first in Thailand to require passing national entrance examinations for admission. Thammasat today offers more than 240 academic programs in 33 different faculties and colleges onSee more

Kritchayan Intarat Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Geoinformatics Executive

Charoen Pokphand Group


Org Chart - Thammasat University






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kritchayan Intarat

What company does Kritchayan Intarat work for?
Kritchayan Intarat works for Thammasat University as Lecturer
What is Kritchayan Intarat’s role in Thammasat University?
Kritchayan Intarat’s role in Thammasat University is Lecturer
What is Kritchayan Intarat’s email address?
Kritchayan Intarat’s email address is i***
What is Kritchayan Intarat’s business email address?
Kritchayan Intarat’s business email address is i***
What is Kritchayan Intarat’s direct phone number?
Kritchayan Intarat’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kritchayan Intarat’s work phone number?
Kritchayan Intarat’s headquarters phone number is +66 26132570
What is Kritchayan Intarat’s latest job experience?
Kritchayan Intarat’s latest job experience is Geoinformatics Executive at Charoen Pokphand Group
Which industry does Kritchayan Intarat work in?
Kritchayan Intarat works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Kritchayan Intarat’s peers at other companies?
Kritchayan Intarat’s peers at other companies are Lee Mahlangu, K.M. Tanvir, Anne Neal, Dan Singer, Sarah McRobie.
Who are Kritchayan Intarat’s colleagues?
Some of Kritchayan Intarat’s colleagues are Ratree Sangchan, Sasin Pringpong, Phromphat Thansirichaisree, Sutee Suksudaj.
How can I contact Kritchayan Intarat?
Kritchayan Intarat contact details: Email address: i*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kritchayan Intarat?

Kritchayan Intarat is a Lecturer at Thammasat University based in Pathum Thani, Pathum Thani. Previously, Kritchayan was a Geoinformatics Executive at Charoen Pokphand Group and also held positions at Piboonbumpen Demonstration School, Burapha University.... Read More

Where is Kritchayan Intarat based?
Kritchayan Intarat works for Thammasat University, located at Thailand
See more information about Kritchayan Intarat

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