
Kristi Resendiz

Kristi Resendiz Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Kristi Resendiz Current Workplace


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About Kristi Resendiz

Kristi Resendiz works at Whelchel & Carlton, which is a Law Firms & Legal Services company with an estimated 8 employees. Kristi is currently based in Moultrie, Georgia. Found email listings include: @wcgalaw.com.Explore more

Kristi Resendiz Current Workplace

Whelchel & Carlton

2022-present (3 years)

Whelchel & Carlton, LLP is a South Georgia law firm that is dedicated to providing quality legal services to its clients. We regularly practice throughout Southwest Georgia and are able to serve our clients through offices in Moultrie and Thomasville. The attorneys at Whelchel & Carlton, LLP, John M. Carlton, Jr., Kenneth M. Turnipseed and J. Hamilton Garner are experienced in a broad range of legal issues faced by individuals, families and businesses in our area. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing quality legal services to meet your needs. Our attorneys' primary areas of practice are: Real Estate: commercial and residential contracts, closings and financings General business representation: entity formation to operational and merger/acquisition issues Healthcare: regulatory and transactional matters for hospitals, physician practices, individual physicians and specialty organizations and practices Wills, estates and trusts, estate planning, succession planning and probate actionSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kristi Resendiz

What is Kristi Resendiz’s email address?
Kristi Resendiz’s email address is k***@wcgalaw.com
What is Kristi Resendiz’s business email address?
Kristi Resendiz’s business email address is k***@wcgalaw.com
What is Kristi Resendiz’s direct phone number?
Kristi Resendiz’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kristi Resendiz’s work phone number?
Kristi Resendiz’s headquarters phone number is (229) 985-1590
Which industry does Kristi Resendiz work in?
Kristi Resendiz works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Kristi Resendiz’s colleagues?
Some of Kristi Resendiz’s colleagues are Kyle Swann, Dianne Ponder, J. Garner, Kenneth Turnipseed.
How can I contact Kristi Resendiz?
Kristi Resendiz contact details: Email address: k***@wcgalaw.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Kristi Resendiz based?
Kristi Resendiz works for Whelchel & Carlton, located at United States
See more information about Kristi Resendiz

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