
Kris RumzisE-RYT

Owner at Just Bee Yoga

Kris RumzisE-RYT Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

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Last Update 12/7/2024 8:40 PM

About Kris RumzisE-RYT

Kris RumzisE-RYT is an Owner at Just Bee Yoga based in Long Grove, Illinois.Explore more

Kris RumzisE-RYT Current Workplace

Just Bee Yoga

2019-present (6 years)

Just Bee Yoga evolved from two of my greatest passions: yoga and nature. I've always been fascinated by the dance of the bee and the role bees play in nature. For me, the bee represents love. The bee spreads its pollen from one flower to another to sustain life. The word yoga means to connect mind, body and spirit. Like the bees, we have the opportunity to connect with one another to love and sustain our spiritual humanity. The pollination process also symbolizes our social nature. Bees live and work as a community within their hive. My vision for Just Bee Yoga is to create a nurturing environment for people to Bee who they are, without judgement. I truly believe that we all have the power to inspire each other to strive to Bee the best that they can Bee. As a hive, let's give back and let our actions serve others. It was important for me to create a space that reflects nature and its elements. In nature we can accept things just as they are, without judgement. We can take this same apSee more

Kris RumzisE-RYT Work Experience & Education

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Bachelors of Science - Physical Education

Org Chart - Just Bee Yoga






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kris RumzisE-RYT

What company does Kris RumzisE-RYT work for?
Kris RumzisE-RYT works for Just Bee Yoga as Owner
What is Kris RumzisE-RYT’s role in Just Bee Yoga?
Kris RumzisE-RYT’s role in Just Bee Yoga is Owner
What is Kris RumzisE-RYT’s email address?
Kris RumzisE-RYT’s email address is k***@justbeeyogaco.com
What is Kris RumzisE-RYT’s business email address?
Kris RumzisE-RYT’s business email address is k***@justbeeyogaco.com
What is Kris RumzisE-RYT’s direct phone number?
Kris RumzisE-RYT’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kris RumzisE-RYT’s work phone number?
Kris RumzisE-RYT’s headquarters phone number is (847) 847-1365
Which industry does Kris RumzisE-RYT work in?
Kris RumzisE-RYT works in the industry of Hospitality General, Hospitality.
Who are Kris RumzisE-RYT’s peers at other companies?
Kris RumzisE-RYT’s peers at other companies are Philip Douse, Dean Copeland, Ted Frick, Jacob Cho, Doug Gray.
Who are Kris RumzisE-RYT’s colleagues?
Some of Kris RumzisE-RYT’s colleagues are Christine Christine.
How can I contact Kris RumzisE-RYT?
Kris RumzisE-RYT contact details: Email address: k***@justbeeyogaco.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kris RumzisE-RYT?

Kris RumzisE-RYT is an Owner at Just Bee Yoga based in Long Grove, Illinois.... Read More

Where is Kris RumzisE-RYT based?
Kris RumzisE-RYT works for Just Bee Yoga, located at United States
Who is Just Bee Yoga’s Owner?
Just Bee Yoga's Owner is Kris RumzisE-RYT
See more information about Kris RumzisE-RYT

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