Kleydson Guilherme

Auxliar Administrativo at Sg4

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(***) ***-****

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Kleydson Guilherme Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kleydson Guilherme

Kleydson Guilherme is an Auxliar Administrativo at Sg4 based in Campinas, Sao Paulo. Previously, Kleydson was an Assistente Administrativo at Dafonte Tratores and also held positions at BTL Soluções Logísticas EIRELI, Belmont Transportes E Logistica, Penske Logistics.Explore more

Kleydson Guilherme Current Workplace


2024-present (8 months)

Empresa especializada em Sustentabilidade & ESG, Gestão da Qualidade, Segurança, Meio Ambiente, Saúde, Responsabilidade Social e Compliance. Focada no objetivo de oferecer serviços de Consultoria, Auditoria, Treinamento e Gestão ocupacional customizados aos seus clientes, nasceu a empresa SG4. O propósito de atender plenamente os requisitos dos clientes é o foco principal da empresa. Sua equipe apresenta profissionais com qualificação técnica e gerencial, capazes de conduzir projetos de pequeno, médio e grande porte. Os produtos de consultoria, auditoria e treinamento ofertados foram concebidos a partir das seguintes bases: . Conhecimentos amplos em Sustentabilidade/ESG; . Soluções em Gestão da Qualidade, Segurança, Meio Ambiente, Saúde e Responsabilidade Social; . Conhecimento técnico da equipe; . Experiência na condução de projetos de consultoria e treinamento (aberto ou “in company”); . Conceitos de gerenciamento profissional de projetos (metodologia PMI); . Experiência na implementSee more

Kleydson Guilherme Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Assistente Administrativo

Dafonte Tratores


Estagiário Administrativo

Dafonte Tratores


Auxiliar Administrativo

BTL Soluções Logísticas EIRELI


Estagiário Administrativo

Belmont Transportes E Logistica


Org Chart - Sg4


Auxliar Administrativo




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kleydson Guilherme

What company does Kleydson Guilherme work for?
Kleydson Guilherme works for Sg4 as Auxliar Administrativo
What is Kleydson Guilherme’s role in Sg4?
Kleydson Guilherme’s role in Sg4 is Auxliar Administrativo
What is Kleydson Guilherme’s direct phone number?
Kleydson Guilherme’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kleydson Guilherme’s work phone number?
Kleydson Guilherme’s headquarters phone number is +55 1925156409
What is Kleydson Guilherme’s latest job experience?
Kleydson Guilherme’s latest job experience is Assistente Administrativo at Dafonte Tratores
Which industry does Kleydson Guilherme work in?
Kleydson Guilherme works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Kleydson Guilherme’s peers at other companies?
Kleydson Guilherme’s peers at other companies are Lucia Ramos, Francisco Wemeson, Akssa Araújo.
Who are Kleydson Guilherme’s colleagues?
Some of Kleydson Guilherme’s colleagues are Luciana Pan, Ana Berion, Paloma Dias, Cláudia Butzke.
Who is Kleydson Guilherme?

Kleydson Guilherme is an Auxliar Administrativo at Sg4 based in Campinas, Sao Paulo. Previously, Kleydson was an Assistente Administrativo at Dafonte Tratores and also held positions at BTL Soluções Logísticas EIRELI, Belmont Transportes E Logistica, Penske Logistics.... Read More

Where is Kleydson Guilherme based?
Kleydson Guilherme works for Sg4, located at Brazil
See more information about Kleydson Guilherme

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