2008-present (17 years)
Klaudia Lourde Email & Phone number
Klaudia Lourde Current Workplace
100 Abbott Park Road Abbott Park, Chicago, Illinois, 60064, United States
Phone Number
(224) 667-6100
Number of Employees
Klaudia Lourde Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
8Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
7About Klaudia Lourde
Klaudia Lourde is a Contingent QA Worker at Abbott based in Chicago, Illinois.
Previously, Klaudia was a Temporary Worker at Astellas Pharma and also held positions at Sysmex, AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Magrabar, Teleflex, Roosevelt University.
Klaudia received a Bachelor of Science degree from Roosevelt University.
Klaudia Lourde Current Workplace
Headquartered in Abbott Park, Illinois, Abbott Laboratories is a global healthcare leader that helps people live more fully at all stages of life. Their portfolio of life-changing technologies spans the spectrum of healthcare, with leading businesses and products in diagnostics, medical devices, nutritional and branded generic medicines.
Klaudia Lourde Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Klaudia Lourde
Klaudia Lourde is a Contingent QA Worker at Abbott based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Klaudia was a Temporary Worker at Astellas Pharma and also held positions at Sysmex, AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Magrabar, Teleflex, Roosevelt University. Klaudia received a Bachelor of Science degree from Roosevelt University....