K.K. Mitra

President at Lloyd Insulations

K.K. Mitra Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

K.K. Mitra Current Workplace


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K.K. Mitra Work Experience Summary

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About K.K. Mitra

K.K. Mitra is the President at Lloyd Insulations based in Little Russel Street, West Bengal.Explore more

K.K. Mitra Current Workplace

Lloyd Insulations

2024-present (11 months)

Lloyd Insulations was established in 1958 as a contracting outfit to offer a single source multi-discipline package covering a wide variety of specialised services, serving a broad spectrum of industries. We have built our reputation on solid professionalism, track record and are a single source for supply and execution of jobs in all our fields of operation. We are pioneers in the Indian market involved with continuous development of advanced insulation products and systems to set the standard in the industry. This has enabled us to keep in step with upgraded products and engineering techniques to match contemporary global standards. Not just that, we've successfully accomplished trunkey composite works that demand mechanical, civil, electronics, & engineering execellance.

K.K. Mitra Work Experience & Education

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Average duration at a company (years)


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Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board of Governors Member

Prem Jain Memorial Trust


Org Chart - Lloyd Insulations






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding K.K. Mitra

What company does K.K. Mitra work for?
K.K. Mitra works for Lloyd Insulations as President
What is K.K. Mitra’s role in Lloyd Insulations?
K.K. Mitra’s role in Lloyd Insulations is President
What is K.K. Mitra’s direct phone number?
K.K. Mitra’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is K.K. Mitra’s work phone number?
K.K. Mitra’s headquarters phone number is +91 3322811417
Which industry does K.K. Mitra work in?
K.K. Mitra works in the industry of Building Materials, Manufacturing.
Who are K.K. Mitra’s peers at other companies?
K.K. Mitra’s peers at other companies are Tommy Battle, Wes Renneberg, Ken Schwenker, Scott McNichols, Maruf Khan.
Who are K.K. Mitra’s colleagues?
Some of K.K. Mitra’s colleagues are Rahul Bhatia, Paramjit Lamba, Ravindranath Kota, Sandeep Batra.
Who is K.K. Mitra?

K.K. Mitra is the President at Lloyd Insulations based in Little Russel Street, West Bengal.... Read More

Where is K.K. Mitra based?
K.K. Mitra works for Lloyd Insulations, located at India
Who is Lloyd Insulations’s President?
Lloyd Insulations's President is K.K. Mitra
See more information about K.K. Mitra

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