Kimiko Yamamoto

Mathematics Teacher at Holmes Junior High School

Kimiko Yamamoto Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Kimiko Yamamoto Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Kimiko Yamamoto Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Kimiko Yamamoto

Kimiko Yamamoto is a Mathematics Teacher at Holmes Junior High School based in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Previously, Kimiko was a Mathematics Teacher at Davis Joint Unified School District and also held positions at Dos Pueblos High School.

Kimiko Yamamoto Current Workplace

Holmes Junior High School

2016-present (9 years)

Holmes Junior High School is a company that employs 10to19 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Mount Prospect, Illinois.

Kimiko Yamamoto Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Mathematics Teacher

Davis High School



Semboku High School


Mathematics Teacher

Davis Joint Unified School District





Org Chart - Holmes Junior High School

Kimiko Yamamoto

Mathematics Teacher

Recent News About Kimiko Yamamoto

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kimiko Yamamoto

What company does Kimiko Yamamoto work for?
Kimiko Yamamoto works for Holmes Junior High School as Mathematics Teacher
What is Kimiko Yamamoto’s role in Holmes Junior High School?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s role in Holmes Junior High School is Mathematics Teacher
What is Kimiko Yamamoto’s email address?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s email address is k***@djusd.net
What is Kimiko Yamamoto’s business email address?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s business email address is k***@djusd.net
What is Kimiko Yamamoto’s direct phone number?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kimiko Yamamoto’s work phone number?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s headquarters phone number is (847) 593-4390
What is Kimiko Yamamoto’s latest job experience?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s latest job experience is Mathematics Teacher at Davis High School
Which industry does Kimiko Yamamoto work in?
Kimiko Yamamoto works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Kimiko Yamamoto’s peers at other companies?
Kimiko Yamamoto’s peers at other companies are Tammy Willis, Cate Romano, Christie Morales, Jaclyn Falcone, Kevin Deans.
Who are Kimiko Yamamoto’s colleagues?
Some of Kimiko Yamamoto’s colleagues are Patricia Crow, Marquise Lewis, David Plaut, Benjamin Hirdler.
How can I contact Kimiko Yamamoto?
Kimiko Yamamoto contact details: Email address: k***@djusd.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kimiko Yamamoto?

Kimiko Yamamoto is a Mathematics Teacher at Holmes Junior High School based in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Previously, Kimiko was a Mathematics Teacher at Davis Joint Unified School District and also held positions at Dos Pueblos High School....

Where is Kimiko Yamamoto based?
Kimiko Yamamoto works for Holmes Junior High School, located at United States