Logan Elm Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Our average attendance is between 100 and 150 on Sunday mornings, and we would be considered conservative in our theology and traditional in our worship by most standards. We hope that you will join us in worshipping our magnificent Savior. Logan Elm Baptist Mission was formed in May, 1975 by a group of 24 people who met in private homes. Four acres of land were purchased on the corner of Stoutsville Pike and Bolender-Pontious Road in July, 1975. Huber Avenue Baptist Church in Lancaster, Ohio accepted the sponsorship of Logan Elm Baptist Mission in September, 1975. The Logan Elm Baptist Mission constituted on August 22, 1976 with 78 charter members, and officially became the Logan Elm Baptist Church. A loan was obtained for the construction of phase one of a three phase building in November, 1977 with ground breaking taking place in March, 1978. A mere eight months later, a joyful congregation moved into theirSee more
Kim Imler Email & Phone number
Kim Imler Current Workplace
22530 Bolender Pontius Rd, Circleville, Ohio, 43113, United States
Phone Number
(740) 474-1614
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Kim Imler Work Experience Summary
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<1About Kim Imler
Kim Imler is a Secretary at Logan Elm Baptist Church based in Circleville, Ohio.
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Contact Us - Logan Elm Baptist Church
Kim Imler , Secretary kim.imler@lebc.orgContact - Logan Elm Baptist Church
Kim Imler Secretary kim.imler@lebc.org Send us a message!Contact - Logan Elm Baptist Church
Kim Imler kim.imler@lebc.org Send us a message!
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Kim Imler is a Secretary at Logan Elm Baptist Church based in Circleville, Ohio....