Kim Fales

Vice President, Accounting at Irvine Company

Kim Fales Email & Phone number


(949) ***-****

Kim Fales Current Workplace



Number of Employees


About Kim Fales

Kim Fales is a Vice President, Accounting at Irvine Company based in Newport Beach, California.

Kim Fales Current Workplace

Irvine Company

1998-present (27 years)

Irvine Company elevates the workplace by combining inspired design, exceptional quality, innovative solutions and experience-driven amenities. Renowned for continual evolution, reinvestment and personalized service, Irvine Company creates environments that cultivate collaboration, creativity and customer success. The company serves more than 3,000 customers in 50 million square feet of premier workplaces in Orange County, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley and San Diego, as well as iconic towers in Chicago and New York. Irvine Company leads the industry with a forward-looking mindset and commitment to creating thriving communities.

Org Chart - Irvine Company

Kim Fales

Vice President, Accounting

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kim Fales

What company does Kim Fales work for?
Kim Fales works for Irvine Company as Vice President, Accounting
What is Kim Fales’s role in Irvine Company?
Kim Fales’s role in Irvine Company is Vice President, Accounting
What is Kim Fales’s email address?
Kim Fales’s email address is k***@irvinecompany.com
What is Kim Fales’s business email address?
Kim Fales’s business email address is k***@irvinecompany.com
What is Kim Fales’s direct phone number?
Kim Fales’s direct phone number is (949) ***-****
What is Kim Fales’s work phone number?
Kim Fales’s headquarters phone number is (949) 720-2000
Which industry does Kim Fales work in?
Kim Fales works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Kim Fales’s peers at other companies?
Kim Fales’s peers at other companies are Natalie Minton, Matt Glines, Stephany Downing, Sara Poehlman, Samantha Reeves.
Who are Kim Fales’s colleagues?
Some of Kim Fales’s colleagues are Monica Thompson, Mona Tarahomy, Regina Plum, Daniel Mendes.
How can I contact Kim Fales?
Kim Fales contact details: Email address: k***@irvinecompany.com Phone number: (949) ***-****
Who is Kim Fales?

Kim Fales is a Vice President, Accounting at Irvine Company based in Newport Beach, California....

Where is Kim Fales based?
Kim Fales works for Irvine Company, located at United States