Kim Adams

IT Operations Infrastructure Manager at Smart & Final Stores

Kim Adams Email & Phone number


(323) ***-****

Kim Adams Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About Kim Adams

Kim Adams is an IT Operations Infrastructure Manager at Smart & Final Stores based in Commerce, California.

Kim Adams Current Workplace

Smart & Final Stores

1997-present (28 years)

Smart & Final Stores, founded in 1871 and headquartered in Commerce, California, is an online grocery store offering shopping and delivery options.

Org Chart - Smart & Final Stores

Kim Adams

IT Operations Infrastructure Manage...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kim Adams

What company does Kim Adams work for?
Kim Adams works for Smart & Final Stores as IT Operations Infrastructure Manager
What is Kim Adams’s role in Smart & Final Stores?
Kim Adams’s role in Smart & Final Stores is IT Operations Infrastructure Manager
What is Kim Adams’s email address?
Kim Adams’s email address is k***@smartandfinal.com
What is Kim Adams’s business email address?
Kim Adams’s business email address is k***@smartandfinal.com
What is Kim Adams’s direct phone number?
Kim Adams’s direct phone number is (323) ***-****
What is Kim Adams’s work phone number?
Kim Adams’s headquarters phone number is (800) 427-3443
Which industry does Kim Adams work in?
Kim Adams works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Kim Adams’s peers at other companies?
Kim Adams’s peers at other companies are Hemlata Saini, Miguel Morera, Evan Jackson, Greg Brower, Kartik Pandya.
Who are Kim Adams’s colleagues?
Some of Kim Adams’s colleagues are Soncere Rione Pope, Lori Foxwood, Francisco Navarro, Jeanne Lesher.
How can I contact Kim Adams?
Kim Adams contact details: Email address: k***@smartandfinal.com Phone number: (323) ***-****
Who is Kim Adams?

Kim Adams is an IT Operations Infrastructure Manager at Smart & Final Stores based in Commerce, California....

Where is Kim Adams based?
Kim Adams works for Smart & Final Stores, located at United States