Kevin Heng

Assistant Airfreight Manager at Agx Logistics

Kevin Heng Email & Phone number

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+65 **** ****

Kevin Heng Current Workplace


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About Kevin Heng

Kevin Heng is an Assistant Airfreight Manager at AGX Logistics based in Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor.Explore more

Kevin Heng Current Workplace

Agx Logistics

2024-present (11 months)

At AGX Logistics we pride ourselves on offering a quality driven and reliable global freight forwarding service. Our qualified, professional and customer focused team have many years of experience within the freight industry. We firmly believe that our personal and hands on approach is a key factor to our success, as a result of our ethos we have developed many strong and long term relationships with our customers. From a solid foundation we have built a good medium sized freight forwarding business and forged an excellent reputation with worldwide organizations. We move all types of cargoes worldwide by road, ocean and air. Whether export/import or movements from one country to another forming cross trade links, we have the knowledge and structure to perform each task. No consignment is too great or small and at AGX Logistics we have the scope to handle the smallest of parcels or largest forwarding projects. This comprehensive level of services allows us to present a multimodal busineSee more

Org Chart - Agx Logistics


Assistant Airfreight Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kevin Heng

What company does Kevin Heng work for?
Kevin Heng works for Agx Logistics as Assistant Airfreight Manager
What is Kevin Heng’s role in Agx Logistics?
Kevin Heng’s role in Agx Logistics is Assistant Airfreight Manager
What is Kevin Heng’s email address?
Kevin Heng’s email address is k***@agxlogistics.com
What is Kevin Heng’s business email address?
Kevin Heng’s business email address is k***@agxlogistics.com
What is Kevin Heng’s direct phone number?
Kevin Heng’s direct phone number is +65 **** ****
What is Kevin Heng’s work phone number?
Kevin Heng’s headquarters phone number is +44 1753686174
Which industry does Kevin Heng work in?
Kevin Heng works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Kevin Heng’s peers at other companies?
Kevin Heng’s peers at other companies are Sunday Bagalay, Herbert Shang, Emmanuel Umanah.
Who are Kevin Heng’s colleagues?
Some of Kevin Heng’s colleagues are Sarah Sharmala, Angeline Silvestre, Jeffrey Lim, Wan Norafandi.
How can I contact Kevin Heng?
Kevin Heng contact details: Email address: k***@agxlogistics.com Phone number: +65 **** ****
Who is Kevin Heng?

Kevin Heng is an Assistant Airfreight Manager at AGX Logistics based in Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor.... Read More

Where is Kevin Heng based?
Kevin Heng works for Agx Logistics, located at Malaysia
See more information about Kevin Heng

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