Kevin Carlson

Vice President, National Sales at EOI Service Co

Kevin Carlson Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Kevin Carlson Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Kevin Carlson Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kevin Carlson

Kevin Carlson is a Vice President, National Sales at EOI Service Co based in Chicago, Illinois. Kevin received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois.

Kevin Carlson Current Workplace

EOI Service Co

2004-present (21 years)

Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Santa Ana, California, EOI Service Company is a national benefits communication and enrollment firm.

Kevin Carlson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President, National Sales



Vice President, National Sales

Irish Life of North America




Bachelor of Business Administration

Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois

Org Chart - EOI Service Co

Kevin Carlson

Vice President, National Sales

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kevin Carlson

What company does Kevin Carlson work for?
Kevin Carlson works for EOI Service Co as Vice President, National Sales
What is Kevin Carlson’s role in EOI Service Co?
Kevin Carlson’s role in EOI Service Co is Vice President, National Sales
What is Kevin Carlson’s email address?
Kevin Carlson’s email address is k***@eoiservice.com
What is Kevin Carlson’s business email address?
Kevin Carlson’s business email address is k***@eoiservice.com
What is Kevin Carlson’s direct phone number?
Kevin Carlson’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Kevin Carlson’s work phone number?
Kevin Carlson’s headquarters phone number is (312) 926-3930
What is Kevin Carlson’s latest job experience?
Kevin Carlson’s latest job experience is Vice President, National Sales at Americo
What is Kevin Carlson’s latest education?
Kevin Carlson’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration at Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois
Which industry does Kevin Carlson work in?
Kevin Carlson works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Kevin Carlson’s peers at other companies?
Kevin Carlson’s peers at other companies are Robin Ramsey, Ben Roth, Larissa Meleca, John Morabito, Marco De Paolis.
Who are Kevin Carlson’s colleagues?
Some of Kevin Carlson’s colleagues are Aurea San Miguel, Williesa Toomer, Maggie DeBow, Kanieshia Taylor-Hart.
How can I contact Kevin Carlson?
Kevin Carlson contact details: Email address: k***@eoiservice.com Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Kevin Carlson?

Kevin Carlson is a Vice President, National Sales at EOI Service Co based in Chicago, Illinois. Kevin received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois....

Where is Kevin Carlson based?
Kevin Carlson works for EOI Service Co, located at United States