Kenneth Kynett

Shareholder at Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown Petrosa

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Kenneth Kynett Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(610) ***-****

Kenneth Kynett Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Kenneth Kynett Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kenneth Kynett

Kenneth Kynett is an At Law Attorney at Damico, Mark D based in Media, Pennsylvania. Previously, Kenneth was an Attorney at KAO Law Associates. Kenneth received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree degree from James Madison University and a Juris Doctorate degree from Widener University School of Law.Explore more

Kenneth Kynett Current Workplace

The attorneys at Petrikin, Wellman, Damico, Brown & Petrosa have consistently demonstrated their legal expertise and dedication to the representation of their clients' interests for over 35 years. This consistency has created an outstanding record and reputation for excellence in the legal community. The firm is distinguished by the sound judgment of experienced attorneys who employ a results-oriented approach to serving the needs of their clients. The firm has developed a diverse and sophisticated practice that includes the areas of business law, civil litigation, zoning / land development, municipal law and wills, trusts and estates, representing clients ranging from individuals to Fortune 500 companies in virtually all types of transactions, developments, disputes and other legal pursuits. The firm's attorneys have handled some of the most significant industrial, commercial, institutional and residential land developments in the suburban Philadelphia region.

Kenneth Kynett Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


KAO Law Associates




Bachelor of Business Administration degree - Information Systems

James Madison University

Juris Doctorate degree

Widener University School of Law
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Member Board of Directors

Doug Gochenour Ministries



The Haverford Fund


Co- Chair

2012 Checking for Cancer Lacrosse Invitational


Org Chart - Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown Petrosa






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kenneth Kynett

What company does Kenneth Kynett work for?
Kenneth Kynett works for Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown Petrosa as Shareholder
What is Kenneth Kynett’s role in Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown Petrosa?
Kenneth Kynett’s role in Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown Petrosa is Shareholder
What is Kenneth Kynett’s email address?
Kenneth Kynett’s email address is k***
What is Kenneth Kynett’s business email address?
Kenneth Kynett’s business email address is k***
What is Kenneth Kynett’s direct phone number?
Kenneth Kynett’s direct phone number is (610) ***-****
What is Kenneth Kynett’s work phone number?
Kenneth Kynett’s headquarters phone number is (610) 565-2670
What is Kenneth Kynett’s latest job experience?
Kenneth Kynett’s latest job experience is Attorney at KAO Law Associates
What is Kenneth Kynett’s latest education?
Kenneth Kynett’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration degree - Information Systems at James Madison University
Which industry does Kenneth Kynett work in?
Kenneth Kynett works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Kenneth Kynett’s peers at other companies?
Kenneth Kynett’s peers at other companies are Jay Wettach, Mark Pieper, Andrew Halaby, Julie Kline, Andrew Harris.
Who are Kenneth Kynett’s colleagues?
Some of Kenneth Kynett’s colleagues are Teresa Amicone, Mark Damico, Joseph Damico, Steven Cohen.
How can I contact Kenneth Kynett?
Kenneth Kynett contact details: Email address: k*** Phone number: (610) ***-****
Who is Kenneth Kynett?

Kenneth Kynett is an At Law Attorney at Damico, Mark D based in Media, Pennsylvania. Previously, Kenneth was an Attorney at KAO Law Associates. Kenneth received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree degree from James Madison University and a Juris Doctorate degree from Widener University School of Law.... Read More

Where is Kenneth Kynett based?
Kenneth Kynett works for Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown Petrosa, located at United States
See more information about Kenneth Kynett

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