Ken Fury

Instructor at American Voices

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(***) ***-****

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Ken Fury Work Experience Summary

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About Ken Fury

Ken Fury is an Instructor at American Voices based in St. Louis, Missouri. Previously, Ken was a Cultural Ambassador at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and also held positions at Seoul Institute of the Arts, Ken Fury.Explore more

Ken Fury Current Workplace

American Voices

2024-present (8 months)

American Voices is a nonprofit organization that has been conducting cross-cultural engagement with audiences in over 110 nations worldwide since 1993. Founded with a focus on the recently independent nations of Central and Eastern Europe, American Voices has expanded its mission towards supporting youth in nations emerging from conflict or isolation. Serving as a cultural bridge, American Voices has introduced American music and culture the world over, showcasing a wide variety of genres ranging from jazz to classical symphony to hip hop in counties including Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan. Meanwhile, our Youth Excellence on Stage (YES) Performance Academies have brought Broadway theatrical education programs to places such as Thailand, Pakistan and Lebanon. American Voices programming provides much-needed expertise and support to aspiring musicians, dancers and actors, as well as enhancing cultural understanding and communications among peoples and nations. For its cultural diplomacy woSee more

Ken Fury Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Ken Fury




Studio Jewelers Ltd.

Org Chart - American Voices






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ken Fury

What company does Ken Fury work for?
Ken Fury works for American Voices as Instructor
What is Ken Fury’s role in American Voices?
Ken Fury’s role in American Voices is Instructor
What is Ken Fury’s direct phone number?
Ken Fury’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ken Fury’s work phone number?
Ken Fury’s headquarters phone number is (314) 289-4124
What is Ken Fury’s latest job experience?
Ken Fury’s latest job experience is Cultural Ambassador at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Which industry does Ken Fury work in?
Ken Fury works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Ken Fury’s peers at other companies?
Ken Fury’s peers at other companies are Rachel Allenbrand, Geetha Palaniappan, Monyshka Harpalani, John Somers, Scott Meinecke.
Who are Ken Fury’s colleagues?
Some of Ken Fury’s colleagues are John Ferguson, Jacob Volkmar, Maria Stallone, Ben Wright.
Who is Ken Fury?

Ken Fury is an Instructor at American Voices based in St. Louis, Missouri. Previously, Ken was a Cultural Ambassador at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and also held positions at Seoul Institute of the Arts, Ken Fury.... Read More

Where is Ken Fury based?
Ken Fury works for American Voices, located at United States
See more information about Ken Fury

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