
Kelly Fox

SUSP Administrative Coordinator at Lenel Systems International

Kelly Fox Email & Phone number

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(585) ***-****

Kelly Fox Current Workplace



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About Kelly Fox

Kelly Fox is a SUSP Administrative Coordinator at Lenel Systems International based in Pittsford, New York.Explore more

Kelly Fox Current Workplace

Lenel Systems International

2008-present (17 years)

Lenel is a global leader in advanced security systems and services developing reliable, innovative solutions to protect buildings, people and assets. Dedicated to helping customers achieve integration flexibility on every aspect of their system from access control and video management to operating systems and databases Lenels enterprise software manages multiple best-in-class systems to provide a single, seamless solution. Lenel products are sold exclusively through our global network of Lenel integrators. Our Value Added Resellers (VARs) are best of breed in their respective geographic markets and have proven competency in systems integration. Lenels commitment to providing security professionals with top-level support includes the Lenel Certification Program, one of the first of its kind in the industry. Today, the programs efficient, streamlined approach makes training as simple, convenient and cost-effective as possible for both VARs and system users. From small start-ups to globalSee more

Org Chart - Lenel Systems International


SUSP Administrative Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kelly Fox

What company does Kelly Fox work for?
Kelly Fox works for Lenel Systems International as SUSP Administrative Coordinator
What is Kelly Fox’s role in Lenel Systems International?
Kelly Fox’s role in Lenel Systems International is SUSP Administrative Coordinator
What is Kelly Fox’s email address?
Kelly Fox’s email address is k***@lenel.com
What is Kelly Fox’s business email address?
Kelly Fox’s business email address is k***@lenel.com
What is Kelly Fox’s direct phone number?
Kelly Fox’s direct phone number is (585) ***-****
What is Kelly Fox’s work phone number?
Kelly Fox’s headquarters phone number is (585) 248-9000
Which industry does Kelly Fox work in?
Kelly Fox works in the industry of Software General, Software.
Who are Kelly Fox’s colleagues?
Some of Kelly Fox’s colleagues are David Schreier, Jozef Mrowiec, Yevgeniy Shapiro, Michael Shimkus.
How can I contact Kelly Fox?
Kelly Fox contact details: Email address: k***@lenel.com Phone number: (585) ***-****
Who is Kelly Fox?

Kelly Fox is a SUSP Administrative Coordinator at Lenel Systems International based in Pittsford, New York.... Read More

Where is Kelly Fox based?
Kelly Fox works for Lenel Systems International, located at United States
See more information about Kelly Fox

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