Kelly Carey

English Teacher at DuPage High School District 88

Kelly Carey Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Kelly Carey Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Kelly Carey Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kelly Carey

Kelly Carey is an English Teacher at DuPage High School District 88 based in Addison, Illinois. Previously, Kelly was a Student Assistant at Olivet Nazarene University and also held positions at Momence High School. Kelly received a Bachelor of Science degree from Olivet Nazarene University.

Kelly Carey Current Workplace

DuPage High School District 88

2013-present (12 years)

DuPage High School District 88 offers schooling in the DuPage district. The district offers educational services for students from 9th through 12th grade. They are based in Addison, Illinois.

Kelly Carey Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Student Teacher

Momence High School


Student Assistant

Olivet Nazarene University




Bachelor of Science

Olivet Nazarene University

Org Chart - DuPage High School District 88

Kelly Carey

English Teacher

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kelly Carey

What company does Kelly Carey work for?
Kelly Carey works for DuPage High School District 88 as English Teacher
What is Kelly Carey’s role in DuPage High School District 88?
Kelly Carey’s role in DuPage High School District 88 is English Teacher
What is Kelly Carey’s direct phone number?
Kelly Carey’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kelly Carey’s work phone number?
Kelly Carey’s headquarters phone number is (630) 530-3981
What is Kelly Carey’s latest job experience?
Kelly Carey’s latest job experience is Student Teacher at Momence High School
What is Kelly Carey’s latest education?
Kelly Carey’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at Olivet Nazarene University
Which industry does Kelly Carey work in?
Kelly Carey works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Kelly Carey’s peers at other companies?
Kelly Carey’s peers at other companies are Jenifer Pellerin, Benjamin Hellman, Esra Özcan, Luigi Carolini, Leslie Rotondo.
Who are Kelly Carey’s colleagues?
Some of Kelly Carey’s colleagues are Gwen Jacobs, Janine Nacht, Nicolette Scorza, Jorge de Leon.
Who is Kelly Carey?

Kelly Carey is an English Teacher at DuPage High School District 88 based in Addison, Illinois. Previously, Kelly was a Student Assistant at Olivet Nazarene University and also held positions at Momence High School. Kelly received a Bachelor of Science degree from Olivet Nazarene University....

Where is Kelly Carey based?
Kelly Carey works for DuPage High School District 88, located at United States