Keith Stolzenbach

Special Assistant To the IoES Director at UCLA Health

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Keith Stolzenbach Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Keith Stolzenbach Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Keith Stolzenbach Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Keith Stolzenbach

Keith Stolzenbach is a Special Assistant To the IoES Director at UCLA Health based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Keith was a High School Science Teacher at Performing Arts Community School and also held positions at Helen Bernstein High School, UCLA Health, Sepal, Tennessee Valley Authority. Keith received a masters degree from MIT and a PhD from MIT.

Keith Stolzenbach Current Workplace

UCLA Health

2024-present (5 months)

UCLA Health comprises Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA, and the UCLA Medical Group, providing primary and specialty care throughout the region. It's parent company is the The University of California, Los Angeles.

Keith Stolzenbach Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

High School Science Teacher

Performing Arts Community School


Student Teacher

Helen Bernstein High School



UCLA Health


Visiting Researcher





masters - civil engineering


Ph. D.

PhD - civil engineering

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Emeritus Professor

UCLA Health


EnCorps Fellow, 2015 Cohort



Org Chart - UCLA Health

Keith Stolzenbach

Special Assistant To the IoES Direc...

Recent News About Keith Stolzenbach

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Keith Stolzenbach

What company does Keith Stolzenbach work for?
Keith Stolzenbach works for UCLA Health as Special Assistant To the IoES Director
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s role in UCLA Health?
Keith Stolzenbach’s role in UCLA Health is Special Assistant To the IoES Director
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s email address?
Keith Stolzenbach’s email address is s***
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s business email address?
Keith Stolzenbach’s business email address is s***
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s direct phone number?
Keith Stolzenbach’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s work phone number?
Keith Stolzenbach’s headquarters phone number is (800) 825-2631
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s latest job experience?
Keith Stolzenbach’s latest job experience is High School Science Teacher at Performing Arts Community School
What is Keith Stolzenbach’s latest education?
Keith Stolzenbach’s latest education in masters - civil engineering at MIT
Which industry does Keith Stolzenbach work in?
Keith Stolzenbach works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Keith Stolzenbach’s colleagues?
Some of Keith Stolzenbach’s colleagues are Brooke Souhrada, Theresa Jones, Marlo Ota, Ernesto Talplacido.
How can I contact Keith Stolzenbach?
Keith Stolzenbach contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Keith Stolzenbach?

Keith Stolzenbach is a Special Assistant To the IoES Director at UCLA Health based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Keith was a High School Science Teacher at Performing Arts Community School and also held positions at Helen Bernstein High School, UCLA Health, Sepal, Tennessee Valley Authority. Keith received a masters degree from MIT and... a PhD from MIT.

Where is Keith Stolzenbach based?
Keith Stolzenbach works for UCLA Health, located at United States