Keith KorsiA

Keith Korsi

Chief Executive Officer at Trissential

Keith Korsi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Keith Korsi Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Keith Korsi Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Keith Korsi

Keith Korsi co-founded Trissential in 2003. In addition to his responsibilities to the company as CEO, Keith also manages Trissential’s executive leadership team and acts as the COO. An industry veteran of 31 years, Keith is a recognized thought leader and sought-after speaker who has a strong reputation for building and maintaining relationships for mutual success. His unique ability to combine top down visionary thinking with bottom up execution, has enabled Trissential’s continued success.Explore more

Keith Korsi Current Workplace


2002-present (22 years)

Trissential, an Expleo Company, continues to be a trusted partner, delivering end-to-end quality solutions with first-class expertise and best practices. United globally, we offer Integrated Engineering into our Management Consulting and Quality Assurance services portfolio.

Keith Korsi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Managing Partner

SafeNet Consulting
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

Milwaukee SPIN




Org Chart - Trissential

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Keith Korsi

What company does Keith Korsi work for?
Keith Korsi works for Trissential as Chief Executive Officer
What is Keith Korsi’s role in Trissential?
Keith Korsi’s role in Trissential is Chief Executive Officer
What is Keith Korsi’s email address?
Keith Korsi’s email address is k***
What is Keith Korsi’s business email address?
Keith Korsi’s business email address is k***
What is Keith Korsi’s direct phone number?
Keith Korsi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Keith Korsi’s work phone number?
Keith Korsi’s headquarters phone number is (952) 595-7970
What is Keith Korsi’s latest job experience?
Keith Korsi’s latest job experience is Managing Partner at SafeNet Consulting
Which industry does Keith Korsi work in?
Keith Korsi works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Keith Korsi’s peers at other companies?
Keith Korsi’s peers at other companies are Davis Patricia, Prem Anand, Aubrey Ghinn, Ronit Kroll, Jay Moskowitz.
Who are Keith Korsi’s colleagues?
Some of Keith Korsi’s colleagues are Caty Dittrich, Sue Mielke, Jay Norman, Michael Dingerson.
How can I contact Keith Korsi?
Keith Korsi contact details: Email address: k*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Keith Korsi?

Keith Korsi co-founded Trissential in 2003. In addition to his responsibilities to the company as CEO, Keith also manages Trissential’s executive leadership team and acts as the COO. An industry veteran of 31 years, Keith is a recognized thought leader and sought-after speaker who has a strong reputation for building and maintaining relationships... for mutual success. His unique ability to combine top down visionary thinking with bottom up execution, has enabled Trissential’s continued success.Read More

Where is Keith Korsi based?
Keith Korsi works for Trissential, located at United States
Who is Trissential’s Chief Executive Officer?
Trissential's Chief Executive Officer is Keith Korsi
See more information about Keith Korsi

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