Kazunori Koda

Senior Solution Consultant at Kinaxis

Kazunori Koda Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Kazunori Koda Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Kazunori Koda Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kazunori Koda

Kazunori Koda is a Senior Solution Consultant at Kinaxis based in Ottawa, Ontario. Previously, Kazunori was a Senior Technology Consultant at Kinaxis and also held positions at Stripe, QVC Japan, Shop Airlines, Japan Service Usa, ICS America.Explore more

Kazunori Koda Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Everyday volatility and uncertainty demand quick action. Kinaxis® delivers the agility to make fast, confident decisions across integrated business planning and the digital supply chain. People can plan better, live better and change the world. Trusted by innovative brands, we combine human intelligence with AI and concurrent planning to help companies plan for any future, monitor risks and opportunities and respond at the pace of change. Powered by an extensible, cloud-based platform, Kinaxis delivers industry-proven applications so everyone can know sooner, act faster and remove waste.

Kazunori Koda Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Technology Consultant



Integration Engineer



Senior Technology Consultant



Technology Consultant



Org Chart - Kinaxis


Senior Solution Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kazunori Koda

What company does Kazunori Koda work for?
Kazunori Koda works for Kinaxis as Senior Solution Consultant
What is Kazunori Koda’s role in Kinaxis?
Kazunori Koda’s role in Kinaxis is Senior Solution Consultant
What is Kazunori Koda’s email address?
Kazunori Koda’s email address is k***@kinaxis.com
What is Kazunori Koda’s business email address?
Kazunori Koda’s business email address is k***@kinaxis.com
What is Kazunori Koda’s direct phone number?
Kazunori Koda’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kazunori Koda’s work phone number?
Kazunori Koda’s headquarters phone number is (613) 592-5780
What is Kazunori Koda’s latest job experience?
Kazunori Koda’s latest job experience is Senior Technology Consultant at Kinaxis
Which industry does Kazunori Koda work in?
Kazunori Koda works in the industry of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Kazunori Koda’s peers at other companies?
Kazunori Koda’s peers at other companies are Liwen Chang, Rohit Sagar, Luis Lara, Dan Nowicki, John-Paul Rutledge.
Who are Kazunori Koda’s colleagues?
Some of Kazunori Koda’s colleagues are Timothy Martin, Tariq Farooq, Precious Simeon, Pratheek Khoosal.
How can I contact Kazunori Koda?
Kazunori Koda contact details: Email address: k***@kinaxis.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kazunori Koda?

Kazunori Koda is a Senior Solution Consultant at Kinaxis based in Ottawa, Ontario. Previously, Kazunori was a Senior Technology Consultant at Kinaxis and also held positions at Stripe, QVC Japan, Shop Airlines, Japan Service Usa, ICS America.... Read More

Where is Kazunori Koda based?
Kazunori Koda works for Kinaxis, located at Canada
See more information about Kazunori Koda

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