Kazuhiro Shiojiri

Patent Attorney & Senior Manager at Shiga International Patent Office

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Kazuhiro Shiojiri Work Experience Summary

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About Kazuhiro Shiojiri

Kazuhiro Shiojiri is a Patent Attorney & Senior Manager at Shiga International Patent Office based in Tokyo, Tokyo. Previously, Kazuhiro was a Chemical Engineer at Fujifilm.Explore more

Kazuhiro Shiojiri Current Workplace

Shiga International Patent Office

2010-present (15 years)

Shiga International Patent Office was founded in 1965 by Masatake Shiga, and through diligence and a commitment to providing superior service, has grown into one of the leading patent firms in Japan, with a staff exceeding 650. As cross-border economic activities continue to expand, the importance of protecting intellectual property rights in consideration of national policy or business management has been increasing worldwide. The strategic application of intellectual property rights not only by IP departments but also by top managers will affect a company's business performance. Differences in IP protection systems reflect each country's economic activity. There are often both major and minor changes to the patent and trademark laws in Japan in response to domestic or international circumstances. In addition, international cooperation in the intellectual property field has been encouraged by economic globalization. The patent prosecution highway now connects major nations including tSee more

Kazuhiro Shiojiri Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chemical Engineer



Org Chart - Shiga International Patent Office


Patent Attorney & Senior Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kazuhiro Shiojiri

What company does Kazuhiro Shiojiri work for?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri works for Shiga International Patent Office as Patent Attorney & Senior Manager
What is Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s role in Shiga International Patent Office?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s role in Shiga International Patent Office is Patent Attorney & Senior Manager
What is Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s email address?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s email address is s***@shigapatent.com
What is Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s business email address?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s business email address is s***@shigapatent.com
What is Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s direct phone number?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s work phone number?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s headquarters phone number is +81 352885811
What is Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s latest job experience?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s latest job experience is Chemical Engineer at Fujifilm
Which industry does Kazuhiro Shiojiri work in?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s peers at other companies?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s peers at other companies are Zhou Qiang.
Who are Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s colleagues?
Some of Kazuhiro Shiojiri’s colleagues are Kazutaka Kimura, Keiko Tamura, Yasunori Sakai, Teruo Morimoto.
How can I contact Kazuhiro Shiojiri?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri contact details: Email address: s***@shigapatent.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kazuhiro Shiojiri?

Kazuhiro Shiojiri is a Patent Attorney & Senior Manager at Shiga International Patent Office based in Tokyo, Tokyo. Previously, Kazuhiro was a Chemical Engineer at Fujifilm.... Read More

Where is Kazuhiro Shiojiri based?
Kazuhiro Shiojiri works for Shiga International Patent Office, located at Japan
See more information about Kazuhiro Shiojiri

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