Kaylin Farris

Veterinary Technician at Sunset Veterinary Clinic

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Kaylin Farris Current Workplace


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About Kaylin Farris

Kaylin Farris is a Veterinary Technician at Sunset Veterinary Clinic based in Edmond, Oklahoma.Explore more

Kaylin Farris Current Workplace

Sunset Veterinary Clinic

2023-present (2 years)

Sunset Veterinary Clinic provides an in house pharmacy. We do recognize that our clients want options, convenience and value when it comes to filling prescriptions. In order to provide safe choices, we have also partnered with our pharmaceutical distributor and created an online pharmacy option. Medications offered through our pharmacy are guaranteed by the pharmaceutical companies which produce them. Our clients can rest easy knowing that products offered through this site are not the product of diversion or any other unscrupulous activity. Sunset Veterinary Clinic will not prescribe medications for online pharmacies over the phone, facsimile or email. We will be happy to provide written prescriptions to our clients when requested to do so once we have verified a valid client-patient relationship (as required by law). As our client you will be able to either pick up the written prescription or we will be happy to mail it to your home. You may then submit this written prescription to aSee more

Org Chart - Sunset Veterinary Clinic


Veterinary Technician




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kaylin Farris

What company does Kaylin Farris work for?
Kaylin Farris works for Sunset Veterinary Clinic as Veterinary Technician
What is Kaylin Farris’s role in Sunset Veterinary Clinic?
Kaylin Farris’s role in Sunset Veterinary Clinic is Veterinary Technician
What is Kaylin Farris’s direct phone number?
Kaylin Farris’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kaylin Farris’s work phone number?
Kaylin Farris’s headquarters phone number is (405) 844-2888
Which industry does Kaylin Farris work in?
Kaylin Farris works in the industry of Veterinary Care, Consumer Services.
Who are Kaylin Farris’s peers at other companies?
Kaylin Farris’s peers at other companies are Christina Mangels, Paulette Ward, Octavia Neal, Tammy Foreman, Rachel Wilde.
Who are Kaylin Farris’s colleagues?
Some of Kaylin Farris’s colleagues are Danel Grimmett, Lucas White, Jessica Kennedy.
Who is Kaylin Farris?

Kaylin Farris is a Veterinary Technician at Sunset Veterinary Clinic based in Edmond, Oklahoma.... Read More

Where is Kaylin Farris based?
Kaylin Farris works for Sunset Veterinary Clinic, located at United States
See more information about Kaylin Farris

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