Kayla Goldsmith

Music Teacher at MusiqHub

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(***) ***-****

Kayla Goldsmith Current Workplace





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Kayla Goldsmith Work Experience Summary

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About Kayla Goldsmith

Kayla Goldsmith works as a Music Teacher at MusiqHub, which is an Education company with an estimated 21 employees. Kayla is currently based in New Zealand. They used to work at Genius Homes and Genius Homes. Found email listings include: k***@musiqhub.co.nz.Explore more

Kayla Goldsmith Current Workplace


2019-present (6 years)

MusiqHub provides music lessons at over 130 schools throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, offering a variety of instruments tailored to each school's offerings. Their vision is to inspire children through engaging musical experiences that promote personal growth and the development of life skills. The company employs enthusiastic teachers who foster a passion for music among students through fun learning methods and performances. MusiqHub aims to celebrate the accomplishments of young musicians, building both confidence and skills in a supportive environment.

Kayla Goldsmith Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Genius Homes


Frame and Truss Fabricator

Genius Homes


Professional Musician



Org Chart - MusiqHub


Music Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kayla Goldsmith

What company does Kayla Goldsmith work for?
Kayla Goldsmith works for MusiqHub as Music Teacher
What is Kayla Goldsmith’s role in MusiqHub?
Kayla Goldsmith’s role in MusiqHub is Music Teacher
What is Kayla Goldsmith’s direct phone number?
Kayla Goldsmith’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kayla Goldsmith’s work phone number?
Kayla Goldsmith’s headquarters phone number is +44 800787866
What is Kayla Goldsmith’s latest job experience?
Kayla Goldsmith’s latest job experience is Carpenter at Genius Homes
Which industry does Kayla Goldsmith work in?
Kayla Goldsmith works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Kayla Goldsmith’s peers at other companies?
Kayla Goldsmith’s peers at other companies are Colin Whiteman, Teresa Feliciano, Trevor Wallace, Eti Haliti, Sarah Bradley.
Who are Kayla Goldsmith’s colleagues?
Some of Kayla Goldsmith’s colleagues are John Cassson, Dave Gatman, Ron Haynes.
Where is Kayla Goldsmith based?
Kayla Goldsmith works for MusiqHub, located at New Zealand
See more information about Kayla Goldsmith

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