Kayla Ghidinelli

Product Owner at Valley Agricultural Software

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Kayla Ghidinelli Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Kayla Ghidinelli Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Kayla Ghidinelli Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kayla Ghidinelli

Kayla Ghidinelli is a Product Owner at Valley Agricultural Software based in Tulare, California. Previously, Kayla was a Beta Manager at Valley Agricultural Software and also held positions at Valley Ag Software, InShape Health Clubs, Trust Automation, Redmond Products, Organic Valley.

Kayla Ghidinelli Current Workplace

Valley Agricultural Software

2023-present (2 years)

The company was founded in 1981 by two veterinarians, Connor Jameson and Steve Eicker. Their initial project was DairyComp, a herd management package that combined the functionality of the early spreadsheet, database and graphics software packages into an integrated dairy-specific program. DairyComp has matured into a solid package that is used to manage approximately 60% of the cows in the United States. Variants of DairyComp are also in widespread use with off-the-farm consultants such as veterinarians, nutritionalists, DHI techs, and AI technicians. Valley Agricultural Software (VAS), as the name implies, is an agricultural company first and a software company second. While we are very proud of our software products, we are born from agriculture. Every action we take is anchored in a vast amount of production experience and knowledge gained the old fashioned way from the founders of the company to the current management team, and from our support technicians to every rep in the fielSee more

Kayla Ghidinelli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Beta Manager

Valley Agricultural Software


Product Research Analyst

Valley Agricultural Software


Group X Instructor

InShape Health Clubs


Dairy Comp Technical Support

Valley Ag Software


Org Chart - Valley Agricultural Software

Kayla Ghidinelli

Product Owner

Intent on Kayla Ghidinelli's Company


Interest in Kayla Ghidinelli's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kayla Ghidinelli

What company does Kayla Ghidinelli work for?
Kayla Ghidinelli works for Valley Agricultural Software as Product Owner
What is Kayla Ghidinelli’s role in Valley Agricultural Software?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s role in Valley Agricultural Software is Product Owner
What is Kayla Ghidinelli’s email address?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s email address is k***@vas.com
What is Kayla Ghidinelli’s business email address?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s business email address is k***@vas.com
What is Kayla Ghidinelli’s direct phone number?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kayla Ghidinelli’s work phone number?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s headquarters phone number is (559) 686-9496
What is Kayla Ghidinelli’s latest job experience?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s latest job experience is Beta Manager at Valley Agricultural Software
Which industry does Kayla Ghidinelli work in?
Kayla Ghidinelli works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Kayla Ghidinelli’s peers at other companies?
Kayla Ghidinelli’s peers at other companies are Doug Curtin, Amitoj Singh, Anh Pham, Charles Shuff, Sudhir Didugu.
Who are Kayla Ghidinelli’s colleagues?
Some of Kayla Ghidinelli’s colleagues are Osmar Gonzalez Carrera, Rick Carroll, Nicole Nehls, Jason Doemel.
How can I contact Kayla Ghidinelli?
Kayla Ghidinelli contact details: Email address: k***@vas.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kayla Ghidinelli?

Kayla Ghidinelli is a Product Owner at Valley Agricultural Software based in Tulare, California. Previously, Kayla was a Beta Manager at Valley Agricultural Software and also held positions at Valley Ag Software, InShape Health Clubs, Trust Automation, Redmond Products, Organic Valley....

Where is Kayla Ghidinelli based?
Kayla Ghidinelli works for Valley Agricultural Software, located at United States