Kaye Osborn

Project Officer at Sutherland Shire Environment Centre

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About Kaye Osborn

Kaye Osborn is a Project Officer at Sutherland Shire Environment Centre based in Sutherland, New South Wales.Explore more

Kaye Osborn Current Workplace

The Sutherland Shire Environment Centre (SSEC) is a totally independent, non-government community organisation. It is an incorporated Association guided by a constitution and governed by a Board elected at the Annual General Meeting by members of the Association. SSEC was set up in 1991 by concerned Shire residents. The objects of SSEC are: to act to defend the environment of the Sutherland Shire and associated bio-regions, by supporting members and local community organisations in their efforts to protect and improve their local areas to develop and conduct enviornmental education initiatives, to encourage behavioural change to achieve a sustainable enviornment in the Sutherland Shire and its bio-regions.

Org Chart - Sutherland Shire Environment Centre


Project Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kaye Osborn

What company does Kaye Osborn work for?
Kaye Osborn works for Sutherland Shire Environment Centre as Project Officer
What is Kaye Osborn’s role in Sutherland Shire Environment Centre?
Kaye Osborn’s role in Sutherland Shire Environment Centre is Project Officer
What is Kaye Osborn’s email address?
Kaye Osborn’s email address is k***@ssec.org.au
What is Kaye Osborn’s business email address?
Kaye Osborn’s business email address is k***@ssec.org.au
What is Kaye Osborn’s direct phone number?
Kaye Osborn’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kaye Osborn’s work phone number?
Kaye Osborn’s headquarters phone number is +61 295453077
Which industry does Kaye Osborn work in?
Kaye Osborn works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Kaye Osborn’s peers at other companies?
Kaye Osborn’s peers at other companies are Nisha Ladhani, Larry Orange, Brad Wedlock, Vendula Habrova, Sindisiwe Masiteng.
Who are Kaye Osborn’s colleagues?
Some of Kaye Osborn’s colleagues are Tassia Kolesnikow, Catherine Reynolds.
How can I contact Kaye Osborn?
Kaye Osborn contact details: Email address: k***@ssec.org.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kaye Osborn?

Kaye Osborn is a Project Officer at Sutherland Shire Environment Centre based in Sutherland, New South Wales.... Read More

Where is Kaye Osborn based?
Kaye Osborn works for Sutherland Shire Environment Centre, located at Australia
See more information about Kaye Osborn

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