2008-present (17 years)
Kay Richardson Email & Phone number
Kay Richardson Current Workplace
5050 Pine Creek Dr Ste B, Westerville, Ohio, 43081, United States
(614) 839-2777
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2About Kay Richardson
Kay Richardson is a Regional Director at APPS Paramedical based in Westerville, Ohio.
Previously, Kay was an Owner & Chief Executive Officer at Pikes Peak Parameds.
Kay Richardson Current Workplace
APPS Paramedical
Known for unparalleled professionalism, reliability and responsiveness, APPS has been a leader in the paramedical industry for 40 plus years and always strives to exceed our customer's expectations! By delivering the highest caliber, personalized and advanced services to meet your paramedical needs. The Columbus office of APPS, was opened in 1989 by Regional Director Marty Luxeder. Since then it has grown to an organization with over 50 paramedical and medical examiners and a fulltime staff of customer service representatives. APPS performs exams for some of the largest and most widely recognized life, health, and disability insurance companies in the world. APPS Paramedical Columbus, Ohio
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kay Richardson
Kay Richardson is a Regional Director at APPS Paramedical based in Westerville, Ohio. Previously, Kay was an Owner & Chief Executive Officer at Pikes Peak Parameds....